Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Ivo: Not all are as strong as the Lightworker, who came to battle the dark. Many succumb, and he did. There are many not strong enough to battle mind control even at this point in time, and this man is such. He is now dying so begin by wishing his soul to rest in peace upon his leaving the planet. That you can do.

For those who do this exercise, do not stop until your heart opens. An open heart is the way of earth's future. Be that way now. Understand that all are battling the dark and are winning or losing their battle to varying degrees. Earth has been in a controlled situation of repetitive reincarnation loops for eons. These earthlings never gather the strength to fight the dark oppressors off and are continually infested with parasitic entity attachments throughout each successive lifetime. That is why lightworkers were brought in. You can do this.

Understand that those who are suffering on your planet now have succumbed to the darkness. You have not, otherwise you would not be listening to our videos. Have compassion for those who are not capable of walking your path with you. They may disappoint you but they would not if they were capable. Many are not living lives of their own choosing. That means your family, who believe you are crazy. That means the people on facebook who troll your posts. That means everyone. They are at a lower level of consciousness than you are, and are not of their right minds. Be grateful for every moment you spend in higher consciousness, but DO NOT allow these people to take advantage of you. They can be tricksters.



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