No, I do not hate gays, and neither do most other Christians. In fact, we love gays, and we wouldn't speak out against homosexuality if we didn't. Because if we truly hated them, we wouldn't care what they did with their lives and wouldn't care if they were on a path leading to hell. See, we don't hate them, if we hated them we'd want to harm them, but we love them and want to help them. The same goes for any other type of sinner (drunkard, murderer, thief, etc.). We hate the sin, but we love the sinners.
Yes, two people who love each other and aren't remotely hurting anyone that just so HAPPEN to be of the same sex are clearly the same as drunks, murderers, and thieves.
Please, do yourself a favor and FOADIAF.
Maybe before you, Ininja2000, love your neighbor, you should ask him/her, if he/she wants to be loved by you and how.
So if someone, say, "loved the idiots, but hated the idiocy" and tried to explain that you are wasting your life on a bunch of puerile myths? Or decided that praying and believing in gods was idiotic and should be outlawed for your own good? Or said that as a "stupid theist" you shouldn't be allowed to marry or adopt children in case your ignorance "rubbed off" on them? You'd be all right with that?
A guy down south (I'm wanting to say it was in Alabama, but I don't remember for sure) got tortured and killed by his roommate and the roommate's friend after his "deprogramming" didn't work and he was still gay. They tied him to a chair, burned him, cut him... When the authorities found him, he was almost completely beheaded. They did this because they wanted him to change, and wouldn't/couldn't understand that he was just fine as he was. And now he's dead - the people who claimed to love him murdered him in horrible, painful ways.
That speaks more about your type of 'love' than that "aren't we awesome?" bullshit you're spouting. And that type of 'love' sure looks more like hate to me.
...and we will insist on burning them at the stake if we get our way unless they repent their EVIL EVIL ways. That is how much we love them.
DIAF, asshole.
And Ininja2000, may I remind you, according to your religion, we are ALL sinners. So why don't you focus on yourself there first, champ.
O RLY? Try this comparison on for size:
"No, I do not hate left-handed people, and neither do most other Christians. In fact, we love left-handers, and we wouldn't speak out against left-handedness if we didn't. Because if we truly hated them, we wouldn't care what they did with their lives and wouldn't care if they were on a path leading to hell. See, we don't hate them, if we hated them we'd want to harm them, but we love them and want to help them. The same goes for any other type of sinner (drunkard, murderer, thief, etc.). We hate the sin, but we love the sinners."
THAT is how stupid this view of "love the sinner, hate the sin" is when you apply it to homosexuality as an arbitrarily despised "sin."
~David D.G.
"No, I do not hate gays,"
I got five bucks that he does by the end of the quote!
"We hate the sin, but we love the sinners."
So you hate the gay part. Gimme my five bucks, you hate gay people.
'We hate the sin, but we love the sinners.'
No you don't fuckwit. That's just a BS justification fundies like to use to justify their hatred.
'See, we don't hate them, if we hated them we'd want to harm them, but we love them and want to help them.'
A lot of fundies DO want to harm gays. And you sure as shit don't want to help them; if you think organizations such as Exodus and Love Won Out are helping, you're full of shit.
So Ininja2000 you want to warn gays to repent of something they can't control so that God, who is supposedly infinitely more loving than you could ever be, won't send them to the hell he created.
You're just like an Aryan in Nazi Germany who is actually merciful enough tell Jews to renounce their religion out of love so that the "great" leader who you admire (Hitler) won't send them to the death camps. And you expect such Jews to believe that Hitler is good.
And I hardly believe loving gay relationships can be compared to alcoholism, theft, and murder.
"We hate the sin, but we love the sinners. "
I fucking HATE that phrase. You Fundies loooove to use it. You're just trying to mask your homophobia and bigotry by calling it "saving the gays from damnation".
if we hated them we'd want to harm them,
Which would imply that even if you don't hate gays, your god does, with a passion, given the whole eternal hellfire thing he's allegedly got lined up for them.
What kind of ass backward, illogical bullshit is this? We persecute them because we love them? If we hated them, we would leave them alone? I hope your parents show you just how much they love you by beating the shit out of you and locking you in a closet. That would be funny.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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