Tonus #fundie
For example, some unpopular opinions I have that I'll never say in public:
1. There probably isn't a rape culture: There's a culture where we let 18 year olds get black out drunk and men are encouraged to be the aggressors in sexual encounters, so bad things happen. But throwing 18 year old men in jail for years at a time for groping someone is not the right answer.
2. 77 cents on the dollar is a nonsense statistic: it doesn't adjust for hours worked, career, flexibility, etc. If you adjust for those things it's more like 98 cents on the dollar, and there's very little evidence of sexism in the workplace. The debate should be about whether it makes sense that women tend to take lower paying jobs with more flexible hours because of their role in childcare.
3. The shooting of black men is a distraction from the real issue. The real issue is lack of access to education and opportunity for blacks that leads to them ending up on the street. Many of the victims of police attacks were criminals who were pulled over/scared officers for a reason. We're asking the police to do too much to fix the problems created by our educational system.