James Murphy #transphobia #homophobia #biphobia #fundie thenewamerican.com

[From "“My Pronouns Are U.S.A.” — Massachusetts Middle Schoolers Revolt Over LGBT “Pride” Event"]

A Massachusetts middle school’s LGBT “Pride” event on June 2 turned contentious when, instead of dutifully wearing the rainbow colors that left-wing agitators have usurped as a symbol for LGBT “pride,” many students chose instead to wear red, white, and blue — in support of America

School officials at Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington were left searching for answers as their school’s “Pride” celebration instead became a day for some students to clap back at a school pushing LGBT propaganda[…]
Instead of celebrating LGBT “pride,” many students chanted, “My pronouns are U.S.A!”[…]
Conti refused to take any responsibility[…]instead, doubled down[…]:“We ask all staff, teachers, and members of the Burlington Public School community to join us in taking a stand against homophobia and identity-directed hateful actions”

Teachers at the school claimed that the red, white, and blue-wearing students intimidated students who were all set to celebrate LGBT “pride”[…]
Foss is correct when he says that the incident “runs deeper,” but he was right for all the wrong reasons. Average Americans — even middle schoolers, it seems — have reached a saturation point when it comes to LGBT indoctrination in our culture[…]The LGBT Mafia has even appropriated the entire month of June to shout their hedonistic message everywhere[…]
The rainbow is a symbol of God’s promise never to destroy the world by water again. The LGBT movement has stolen that symbol of monotheism as a symbol for its debauchery

But propaganda works best when it’s done in a subtle way, and LGBT groups cannot be subtle. They cannot keep themselves from attacking children with their hedonism. In Burlington, Massachusetts, the children finally said, “Enough”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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