Various commenters #wingnut

Pro-abortion people: Killing your baby shouldn’t be “safe” for you. And if you were actually worried about that anyway, you’d stop posting at-home abortion methods that will cause women to get sepsis and die. 🤷‍♀️

Oh, you don’t like unsafe abortions? Don’t get one, that’s how it works right?

If you choose to kill your child in a way that’s bad for you that’s on you

It might be an unpopular opinion but if you're willing to kill a kid I don't care about your safety.

Yep. If something happens to you then it's your own fault.

if you willingly do something illegal and dangerous, then get injured/die from it, it’s really not my or the governments fault

"BaNnInG aBoRtIoNs WoN't StOp PeOpLe FrOm GeTtInG tHeM! iT wIlL oNlY mAkE tHeM iLlEgAl AnD uNsAfE tO gEt!"

Also them : "BaN gUnS! eNd GuN vIoLeNcE"

It pisses me off when people think owning a gun is worse than getting an abortion. You're not killing a child purely by acquiring a gun. When you get an abortion however, you are killing a child.

Look man, people are going to be thieves anyway, so why make it risky for them? Leave the door unlocked and all your items on the counter please...



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