[consider this guy is a evangelical preacher in Guatemala]
The JWs are a pain in the rear! In Germany they are not allowed to talk to you on the streets unless you approach them. I like that! They are very persistant and prey on the weak who don't know the Word of God.
[The last sentance just reeks of pot, kettle and black]
You guys will need to bookmark this site - this Jeff character I met on Inthepursuitofgod.com and he is full of lulz and hypocrisy of the highest order. His son is Agnostic and booted his father and their religious buddies off the site.
He hates RC's JW's SDA's and makes irony meters blow up all the time
"They are very persistant and prey on the weak who don't know the Word of God."
And that's different to you, how?
Hmm... I initially thought JW stood for Jews ...
And that would have ment that his assertion about the laws in Germany would be off by just some 60 years.
And that also ment that I thought that Scion must be a total asshat for agreeing with the OP..... :(
The I realized this post is about Jehova's Witnesses .... :D
And now I totally agree with Scion .. :D
(and I hereby sincerely apologize to him/her for jumping to conclusions :$)
By the way, having had a live saving blood transfusion truly helps cutting all conversion attempts by JW short.
(average time spent talking to JW at my door ... 5 sec)
ALL religions prey on the weak-minded.
That's how they survive.
In all 27 of the EU countries + Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Faeroes and Greenland, plus the EU candidate countries and Russia, this law applies to all religious nuts.
Just goes to show how stupid us Americans can be.
@Michael, there is no law in the majority of EU countries, if any at all, against preaching or proselytising (sp?) in the street.
Trust me, I live in the UK and get regalled by these morons every weekend as I walk through town.
"By the way, having had a live saving blood transfusion truly helps cutting all conversion attempts by JW short. "
Smoking a cigarette as you pass them (JWs) has a preventative effect. Not that I want to encourage smoking as a religious deterrent!
If you are gay then that is a mitigation when they "come-on" to you.
So if you are a gay smoker - immunity!
Edit - just to say, being Scottish, we call cigarettes "fags".
I actually agree with this post. I too find JW's to be a pain in the rear. From my experience they are very persistent and are no more knowledgeable about the bible than the bulk of the fundamentalists.
At least the JW's aren't political...at present.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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