(Concerning homosexual adoption)
The sad thing right out of the gate is that it is so difficult for the average couple to adopt a child in the first place let alone gay or straight.
On this one, I am going to part ways with you buddy. I look at child formation as a critical facet to spiritual development. A loving gay couple could confuse the child to thinking that the homosexual lifestyle is ok, but it is not. Think of it this way, would you want a couple with psychological problems to adapt? Much research has been done (buried by the intelligencia) to indicates that homosexuality is a sickness developed very early on through a lack of critical factors typically found in the parental/ child relationship. When these factors are absent in early, early childhood development, the Childs unmet need deviently turns inward and manifests to be met in the homosexual urge. Therefore, homosexuality is a psychological disorder that would preclude them from becoming parents.
Their spiritual welfare is most paramount and two wrongs don’t make a right.
See the work of Joseph Nicolosi in his practice treating homosexuals.
The answer is to open up the restrictions on child adoption in this Country and help fund faith based programs that help educate high risk youth from having babies on the one hand and the formation of faith based orphanages on the other.