BettERtoreigninhell #sexist

Tinder is the ultimate AWALT bullet proof.

If not all women are like that among the millions of tinder foids there should be a % no matter how small that finds Chad to be ugly as sin and 47 years old 3'11 balding Burmese janitor so hot she has palpitations just looking at his badly taken selfies with typical kidnapper predator lighting sitting in his squalid kitchen that would fit more Silent Hill than a normal dining room.

"B..b..but Tinder are for hook ups!!"


If NAWALT is true there should be a % no matter how small of horny foids who want have just a night of animalian passion with that Burmese stallion.

So to any bluepilled cuck lurking or any ief you who still has c-hope : put tinder on worldwide mode or brow the fuck is called and arrange a real life meeting using the pic of this dude for 3 months. Then come back with NAWALT my ass.



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