various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @EB_ )
This is how we know the jews are serious about saving the planet. They're gonna intentionally starve White people who are self sustaining and send food aid to a billion Africans who can not. Then they're gonna import the Africans into Europe and America so they can consume resources like White people. Because to save the earth or something.

JUST IN - Netherlands to "compulsory purchase" and close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU environmental rules.

( @claforte )
@EB_ So sick of the jews and niggers.........Whites are gonna reach a point that requires them to end them.

( @Christian_Hart )
@EB_ I think the Netherlands is the number 5 exporter of food on the planet. I guess they have moved on from the 'climate crisis' which no one was buying for even a second to full starvation mode.

( @Unknownusername1988 )
>want to stop climate change cause we are all gonna die
>starving people to death will change the climate
If normies don't see it by now, they never will.

( @baronvonjewhammer )
@EB_ Name the jew Blame the jew Expose the jew Expel the jew

( @Dieselpatriot )
@EB_ the jews are going global with the same playbook they used in the 20’s, gonna be a global holodomor, global sodom and gamorah, global financial ruin… it’s all happening again on a larger scale

( @PerseusDixon941 )
@EB_ The EU must be destroyed as a useless organization. It is wicked and evil at its heart an absolutist serial killer destroying innocent farming families that feed Europe and the wider world. WOW

( @Spotfreebrainwash )
@EB_ confiscation of white property, "they" end up owning it

( @ConservativeRefugee1776 )
@EB_ At this point I think the globalist destroyed the Georgia guide stones to get rid of any evidence of their plans

( @yutakamas )
@EB_ The EU is Communist.

( @j_e_s_s_e )

( @Servant_of_Christ )
@j_e_s_s_e @EB_ it will be a worldwide holocaust but of white people...

( @j_e_s_s_e )
@Servant_of_Christ @EB_ but we need to do a volcano trick for the kikes before that happens.

( @Sheila_Stenzel )
@j_e_s_s_e @EB_ Hitler should have let it happen... he was too human to these bugs.



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