Trump's a patriot, for Americans, and the rule of law.
The EVIL lib media hates that
Trump's a showman, for shallow people, who can't articulate how he would accomplish any the things he boasts he's going to do.
It's amazing that more people can't see through his nonsense. The man hasn't a clue how to do anything except push emotional buttons and constantly claim he'll do things the office of the president has no control over or would be in direct contradiction with trade treaties. The man is a narcissistic jackass.
Trump's a jackass, a boor, and in it for Trump. What an "ugly America" we would have with him in charge. We can't afford to lose the other friendly countries that still support us, but with his tin ear for the niceties of diplomacy, we would.
If you want to see the Tump lovefest firsthand, just go to Yahoo! and read the comments on political articles.
It's really strange seeing this, because the teabaggers call someone like McCain a RINO but Trump is a true red-blooded patriot, even though he was a Democrat who gave money to the Clintons a few years back. Talk about your low-information voters. Of course there was a recent poll of Republican voters of which 29% said that Barack Obama was born in the U.S., and 40% believe that Ted Cruz was. To put that in perspective, more Republicans think that Cruz was born in the U.S. than think Obama was.
After the recent leadership debate, it seems that Fox News is now portrayed as being part of this liberal media cartel, which just shows how the nutty conservatives have lost any self-awareness that they may once have had.
Trump's a patriot in the same way Benedict Arnold was (which is exactly the same way I feel about anyone who flies a Confederate flag I might add - different war, but traitors all the same). As in, my liberal progressive ass is ten times the patriot Trump could ever hope to be - his loyalty is to the green, and I don't mean the plants and environment!
Trump actively hates over 50% of Americans for not being white (or at least that's a safe assumption based on his behavior.) That's the opposite of "for Americans".
I don't think I really need
He bankrupted a casino, even if he weren't a racist then I still wouldn't vote for him.
How the bell do you bankrupt a casino?
"Trump's a patriot"
Well, he should be fired from one, made by Raytheon.
You're just an apprentice , Donald Fart.
@Doubting Thomas: just go to Yahoo! and read the comments on political articles
No thanks, last time I did that I got cancer
The EVIL lib media hates that
What, the media that won't stop talking about him? You have the most conservative media in the free world.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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