Lost_Shirt7848 #elitist #moonbat reddit.com

I saw a post asking “What's the creepiest thing that society says is OK?”. Of course I immediately thought of “killing and eating animals”. I searched certain phrases to see if anyone mentioned that in the comments. Anyone that did was downvoted to hell and had replies like “I’m going to go get a juicy burger for lunch”. All the other things people named got taken seriously and upvoted, even if it’s controversial (like abortion). Some stuff were things people normally do and the commenter and everyone replying admit they do it, but agree it’s creepy that it’s normal. They can’t even do that about eating animals. The denial is so bad, no one wants to hear about it because they want to pretend it doesn’t happen, and then get mad at someone for mentioning it because it makes them feel guilty.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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