@TheKingOfRhye #220732 @Indicible #220725
A lot of Trumpies believe that homeless people aren’t homeless because they’re poor, they’re homeless because they’re “too lazy to work”. They believe that they’ve got giant mansions (somewhere, funny how no one ever lives next to a person who is pretending to be homeless), they get into “$50,000 trucks!” when they’re done with a day of begging, and then go clean up and get a 5 star meal or something with their day’s gatherings.
Regardless of the fact that none of this really makes sense, that most people would rather have a get their money in a situation where they are safe from being arrested, beaten, run over by traffic, etc, where they get a guaranteed amount, and aren’t out in the worst of the summer’s heat or winter’s cold.
I’ve known one dude who claimed to be homeless but technically wasn’t. Where did he live? In a one room trailer with 3 other people. Not exactly the lap of luxury, nor did they have reliable heat or cooling, but he still felt lucky because he had a place to go out of the elements when others he knew didn’t.
My best friend was homeless. She has MS and she and her husband lived in their car because they got illegally kicked out of the place they were staying before. Why did they get kicked out, you ask? Because she wouldn’t sleep with the asshole landlord. I even let them stay in my place for awhile although I couldn’t let them stay forever because, according to our ridiculous fucking system, I can lose my section 8 for them staying with me.
And I love how dude just says a prison… somewhere! Like he doesn’t have a specific place he wants to send them.
When people stop getting their checks, I think we’re going to have more “Hoovervilles on the White House lawn” type action. Although I’m deeply afraid for anyone who has to ask for help in this… “administration”.
Sorry, I kind of got off track there at the end lol. I hope this isn’t too rambly…