various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Once upon a time,

White people used to be allowed to project their spirit into the physical world via architecture like this.

It used to create an environment of perpetual inspiration to the citizenry. Which is exactly why these sorts of structures are no longer being built: the anti-White establishment wants us all uninspired and spiritually starving to death.

(shot taken autumn season 2021)

( @Nordulf )
@Nature_and_Race I still believe that this is one reason made sure that their number one shabbos goy demon Churchill bombed Dresden into a pile of burning rubble. Ever see photos of that city before the war? It was just one of many cities like it in the Reich, but it was a shining example of what our Race is capable of building. Dresden had virtually no military value as a target, yet the 'great man', the evil blimp known as Churchill, had no problem killing many thousands and destroying what took many centuries to build.

( @KatBoxKang )
@Nature_and_Race Now we have invaders who are illiterate in their own language building garbage that is falling apart upon completion. It is the antithesis of inspiration.

( @John_Madison )
@Nature_and_Race All our our architecture and statues is being torn down or defaced because of muh racism.

( @GamaGoat )

( @SoldierForChrist777 )
@Nature_and_Race One day, we'll look back on our history when Jews ruled us and laugh. We'll say those things existed, they'll be the dinosaurs, the goblins of legend.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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