/I for one have never met a gay or lesbian person who I was afraid of./
I doubt that you've met a gay or lesbian person at all.
/I think it’s just a ploy to manipulate the general populous to be silent on the subject./
"Silent?" You people won't SHUT UP about the subject. Most of us don't say anything because we realize that it's not a big deal, not because we're scared.
/Phobia = fear = not brave = coward. Who wants to be labeled a coward?/
As others have said before, homophobia is mostly appropriately defined as an aversion to homosexuality, not an actual fear of it. Besides, people tend to hate things that they fear, anyway.
/I personally feel that homosexual behavior is against nature/
Which is why homosexuality has been recorded in nature. Why is homosexuality against nature? Because homosexual couples can't biologically reproduce with each other? Then why allow infertile or elderly couples to marry, either?
/and has no place in our society./
Just like interracial couples, right?
/Now since I have an opinion that the gay and lesbian community I an “afraid” of them./
No, now that you have expressed your opinion about homosexuals, you are an arrogant bigot. Get over yourself.