RE: Trans ideology is a misogynist's dream come true
The trans fad is a GIFT to leftie scrotes because they now have permission to unleash as much misogyny, violence, etc as they want as long as they direct it at a "TERF" (a term which gets broader each day) and/or as long as they themselves identify as some form of non-man
Its also a gift to misogynistic industries like medicine and tech because they now have yet another way to obscure the harms they do to females (and they can do it while claiming to be feminist and progressive)
The Frans tag is a GRIT to left-handed co-rests because they now have far remissions to unleash my nosy ID, violence, etc as much as they want as they direct it at a "TEFF" bong (a term which gets loader each day) and/or as long as they themselves identify as foreman of non-moms.
It’s also fits a pit to Gigi con industries like my medicine and tech because they now have yet another hay to obscure the farms they do to we males (and they can do it while in Miami to be set clings and progressive)
“The trans fad is a GIFT to leftie scrotes because they now have permission to unleash as much misogyny, violence, etc as they want as long as they direct it at a "TERF"”
Um, no. A misogynist’s dream come true would be to be able to dis and violent at ALL women.
Being limited to attacking SOME women, who have to qualify, first, for the treatment? You could become enlightened and POOF! Take away their toy.
Like being a Sadist at a BDSM party. If the masochists say, ‘No,’ they’re going to be frustrated.
No, this is just you trying to deflect your bigotry to pretend that it’s some sort of sin to point it out, or that it’s about your having a vagina, not about you acting like a cunt.
"(a term which gets broader each day)”
Cite? What’s today’s definition/boundary of ‘TERF’?
Is it something more than ‘being a twat to Transgenders?’ Or are you just really REALLY playing the victim card, here?
This reminds me of how, particularly during the 1960s and 1970s, it was very common (among those who were aware of their existence, anyway) for anti-feminists to believe that trans people were a weapon created by feminists to demolish gender roles, while a lot of feminists believed that that trans people were a weapon created by anti-feminists to enforce gender roles. The actual reality was that the excessive gatekeeping meant that those who got through the system strongly tended to reinforce gender stereotypes, but that was mostly not trans people’s fault, while the misogyny and transphobia they faced gave at least some of them a lot of common cause with feminists.
This is the sort of thing which happens when one gets so wrapped up in one’s ideology and/or worldview that you forget that other people act and live according to their own ideology and/or worldview, not by whatever position or role they exist in yours.
<@KeithInc. > #184142
I think they’re reacting to the fact that a lot of garden-variety transphobes have picked up the feminist-appropriating language which was developed by TERFs when most were at least nominally feminist; but outside of the UK, most of today’s “TERFs” have *never* identified as feminist - and the ones who no longer consider themselves feminists are mostly just Nazis now. The actual number of people who can accurately be described as TERFs is rather small in comparison to the number of people who it gets applied to, and lumps together groups which don’t like each other much. Might be time to retire it.
“ Might be time to retire it.”
Or double down on it. Keep applying it, since it pisses them off. And they’ll start to make their own distinctions, and purity tests, and eat each other’s faces off.
Liberal men may at times be somewhat hypocritical when it comes to women's rights, but I doubt if many of them seek to unleash misogyny, violence, etc. against women. Is your androphobia so intense you cannot even conceive of decent men?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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