How is it possible that these atheist groups can say and do whatever they want and everybody is just so willing to give in to their constant demands. When will the Real Christians get some courage? It's time to stand up,be bold and make your voice heard! For if you don't, soon even your very existence would be an offence to them. Then you will lose everything......
"How is it possible that these atheist groups can say and do whatever they want and everybody is just so willing to give in to their constant demands."
You mean like when the atheists demand that Christains follow the law? OBey the constitution? Not pretend like the law doesn't apply to them?
Can't imagine why anyone would 'give in' to constant demands like that...
Well they have first amendment right to believe what they do and express it. Also people cave in to Christian demands all the time. I guess when non Christian does it, it's a horror to you. Christians stand up? You fuckers never shut up. You are not now persecuted and allowing non Christians expression does not persecute you. Goddamn you are thin skinned. And not for nothing but this wasn't the worst quote on there. There were a number of them reeking of ignorance and intolerance and stupidity
How is it possible that these atheist groups can say and do whatever they want and everybody is just so willing to give in to their constant demands
Also, Kim Il-Davis.
Next question, Dreck.
soon even your very existence would be an offence to them.
Oh, you are SO late with this one!
But this is how you "predict" something that already happened way back in history,
claim it was a prophecy come true, and go, "See, we told you so." As a matter of fact,
isn't this one of the stories in your book?
What do you mean "give in to their constant demands"?
The atheists I've met hardly made any demands over than to be left alone. Some are complete against religion as a whole but there's pushback against them among theists and atheists alike.
@Chloe :
Atheist: Doesn't believe in any deity
Antitheist: Believes that the concept of deities, or religion in general, is in some sense evil or destructive
Misotheist: Has hatred of religion and/or deities; depending on exactly how one defines the term, may include the concept of religion and/or deities or any deity which they don't personally believe in
Most Antitheists are Atheists, but the reverse is not true. The rare Antitheists which aren't Atheists are Misotheists. If you use a broad definition of the latter, then some Antitheist Atheists are Misotheists as well.
How? There's this thing called Freedom of Speech. If you're American, it's included in the FIRST Amendment of the Constitution, so you'll find it very quickly.
"Real" Christians need courage, for what? You also have freedom of speech.
In America, the Religious fundie Right is making itself heard all the time.
I've been an atheist for a couple of years now, and I have no problem with other people holding different beliefs than I do. I think it's a case of projection, dearie. YOU want us to not exist, so YOU think that WE want YOU to not exist.
Most Swedes are non-religious. We still have YUGE churches in every little hamlet, and many teenagers still go through Confirmation (mostly for the gifts afterwards). People still hold weddings and christenings in churches, and we celebrate Christmas (though we call it "Jul"). How is this making the very existence of Christians an offence? Apparently we have 6,1 million members of the Swedish Church, in a country of 9 million people!
Here's the one in the village next to mine; Skänninge, population 3358.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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