I'm not sure I understand why CS Lewis wrote the things he did, it seemed like he was christian but then he wrote about lions and witches and wardrobes.
Because he understood more about his own religion than you ever will, and because his imagination hadn't atrophied from abuse and neglect.
i remmeber seeing this movie as a child and I did not think it was actually christian. It was more fairy tale. Actually it scared me a bit when I was young because it suggested that wardrobes could be portals to this other world.
Fundies don't comprehend the concept of "fiction," example #34,884,123
Later when I became a christian CS Lewis writings didnt make much senese either.
Judging by your spelling and grammar, most anything written above a fourth grade reading level will be beyond your comprehension. I wouldn't worry about it.
It seemed he was advocating anglicanism as a religion rather than actually being born again.
It's easier to be born again than grow up.
Why was he writing about witches etc when we are meant to avoid all appearance of evil?
Because his Chronicles of Narnia and his Space Trilogy were written as solid Christian allegory, and because, unlike you, he wasn't shit-scared of his own imagination and fictional concepts.
Imagination isn't evil. Fiction isn't evil. God fucking dammit, I had this conversation with people I work with a week ago, and the youngest person there was 55 years old. I wish there were some magical button I could press that would make ALL of you grow the fuck up.