No, the fossils were produced by the flood. 5 miles of ocean on top of the land would easily produce such fossils, and they only come from that one period in time.
For that to happen, all the fossils would have to be located within a limited range of strata. That is not the case.
This is one of the holes in the theory of evolution that you could drive a truck through...
You wanna talk about holes? How is it that plants were made in a frozen void, without light, and survived to see the next day, when light was made? Why did God need to bother with a flood, when he should be able to blink out the unrighteous without having to worry about all that water? Speaking of, where did all that water come from, as with all the water on our plant, there's enough to cause significant flooding, but not enough to cause a global flood to cover the highest peaks. How did Noah and his menagerie survive up there, as not only would atmosphere be thin, but it'd be bloody cold, too? If God could just make them survive, why did he bother with the boat? When snuffing out the unrighteous, why did God save a drunkard? How did 8 people turn into a few billion in only a a few thousand years, when only recently have we had more than 50% of children living past 5? Do I need to continue?
...and why people don't believe in evolution anymore. it still seems to be widely recognized as the most plausible theory.
All you have to do is think about it for 10 seconds and you'll see what nonsense it all is.
Apply the same logic to your argument.
At least normal people will.
Provided by normal , you mean completely ignorant of any evidence contrary to your position.
I don't know what kind of insanity goes on in the tiny, twisted minds of the stupid queers at Faggots Suck The Dirtiest Things, but I'm sure it's quite something.
And the obligatory mud-slinging. Bravo. You just obliterated any credibility you may have had.