Usagicho #psycho
couple of years have only been worse. I have despised cameras since I was a child. Now everyone and their babies have one and google will not be pleased until they have 16K HddddD 24/7 scans of the lint that resides in our belly buttons. I use electrical tape to cover the front of my phones.
I just really hate everything about life and its only been increasing. knowing I can never really leave society thanks to laws and land being owned already, not having the full knowledge of surviving outdoors and the inability to kill an animal.
I just dont see the point in anything. Its seems like if your not a predictable machine acting out the ideal state of perfection and imitating emotional social ques you are a degenerate or mentaly ill.
Quite honestly I fully understand and support those that do those shooting or commit suicide. I am honestly surprised it doesnt happen MORE. Society/People can be extremely harsh and cruel. I can understand how someone who has heard people whisper about them coming up with their own logic and reasons to than mock them with would snap and kill some people. I know first hand what hearing those whispers are like for 8months. People always say "you shouldnt do that" "tell someone who cares" "talk to someone who will listen"but honestly some people are not equipped to handle or deal with that person, maybe they dont care, maybe they will use them, maybe they want to test a new method. People act like thats not possible though. Thats why I support those crazies and those who decide to end it all. Its just unfortuneate where and what the circumstances normally are. The people who have a definitive thing that gets them singled out have it much better. You know the reason, like being gay for example. I have been told "I have no right to laugh" for literally no reason.
The crazies never shoot up the ones who deserve it. And the ones who commit suicide are normally the creative and fun ones.