Anti-DPRK fake news alert . The mainstream or imperialist media such as the BBC and CNN along with the likes of dopes such as Russian capitalist RT have carried what is claimed to be CCTV footage of a so-called "north Korean defector " absconding to the US occupied south Korea . However looking at the film very closely it is very apparent that it is actually a number of different film clips spliced together . In fact it does look like classic spy film stuff , like something out of James Bond .
Some of the footage is crystal clear and some is grainy or blurry . Several things wrong in it that cast strong doubt on its authenicity . Firstly, KPA troops at Panmunjom are shown with rifles ,however under the regulations of the Korean Armistice Agreement they are usually armed with pistols . Every time a UK KFA delegation has visited Panmunjom , the KPA troops have been unarmed or just had pistols .
Secondly, some of the footage shows the 'defector' driving down the road to Panmunjom in a jeep but how would the south Koreans get this coverage as it is on the DPRK side ? , Thirdly , not clear from the footage whether the 'defector' is actually a KPA soldier as it does not look like he is wearing a uniform . Surely as a soldier he would have been armed and could have returned fire ? , Fourthly , how come the 'defector' got as far as he did without being intercepted by the KPA or DPRK security personnel ?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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