[What, you missed the dozens of articles on CNN.com alone over the past few months detailing discoveries regarding evolutionary theory? Are you really that blind? It's talked about on the news all the time.]
pedophila and homosexuality are also talked about on the news all the time, but that doesnt mean they are correct. besides, as long as the media outlets are liberal, they will always conceal the truth of Him
AN, is your brain actually that dead?
Have you truly cut yourself off from all news and information the doesn't affirm your worldview?
At first, I was going to mock you, but I will pity you instead.
You make me sad.
"pedophila and homosexuality are also talked about on the news all the time, but that doesnt mean they are correct."
Indeed, though no one suggested such a correlation.
"besides, as long as the media outlets are liberal, they will always conceal the truth of Him"
The "Liberal news media" assertion is specious and weak, if not wholly and utterly false. Besides, I've read the Bible and "He" does a damn good job of concealing the truth without any Liberal help.
What is there to conceal about "Him"?
If "He" is so omnipresent as "He" claims in the "Holy Bible", "He" would easily use the media as "He" liked!
A small tip, AngryNotice - read other stuff than fairytales...
"the media outlets are liberal, they will always conceal the truth of Him"
So CNN is stronger than your god?
Well, this is the same supposedly-omnipotent God that allows Satan to run around on the Earth unrestrained, and which was helpless in the face of iron chariots.
Keep shutting out the world, AngryNotice and soon, when you finally snap and decapitate your family with a lemon zester because god told you they were the debble your neighbors will comment to the pretty blonde newslady that, "He was always such a quiet guy, always said hello but pretty much kept to himself."
1: pedophilia and homosexuality have nothing to do with evolution.
2: pedophilia and homosexuality have nothing to do with each other.
3: there are christian liberals.
@ Feminazi --
Jesus had certain words about favoring the poor, and his followers held property in common and mostly considered the secular state irrelevant to their major concerns. He promoted kindness and empathy as more important than profit, not an endless series of compromises between increasing wealth for the rich and the barest of human needs. Never mind corporate statist centrist liberalism -- Jesus was a socialist .
I'll ask you the same question I ask all conspiracy theorists: If they're doing such a good job "concealing the truth", how is it that you know about it? And how is it that they haven't killed you for spouting off in public about things they want to keep secret?
Oh right, you're making it all up. Never mind.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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