[He's an ex-gay therapist]
The good news is, at least with the people that I’ve seen, not a lot of people, when the healing takes place those areas of the brain that were showing the homosexuality show heterosexuality. I have had several people who when I looked at them I couldn’t tell the difference between a heterosexual who never was homosexual and them, which means the brain is able to go back and fire the way it is supposed to be, which is an argument against the whole idea of someone was born that way.
If the brain has been "mis-firing" since birth, wouldn't that mean the patient was "born that way?"
Either way, you're a lying quack. Kindly fuck off.
Please provide scans, blood tests and before/after comparisons before spouting off about the brain chemistry of another human being.
I suspect you can't. None exists to justify your prejudicial treatment of gays.
Ugh. No self respecting doctor would be an "ex-gay therapist." At least he hasn't seen a lot of people, apparently... Hopefully they will see a real therapist that can help them deal with the damage this guy's undoubtedly caused. Being attracted to an adult man or woman is harmless. It doesn't matter what sex you are. Suppressing and shaming natural, healthy sexuality, though, that is pretty harmful..
those areas of the brain that were showing the homosexuality show heterosexuality.
Uh oh, your brain got teh gay! Lemme fix it!
when the healing takes place those areas of the brain that were showing the homosexuality show heterosexuality
How do you tell homosexual activity from heterosexual activity in the brain? Did you microscopy their brains and not see any rainbow colors?
You couldn't tell the difference when you looked at them?
That's because they are fucking people, you dick.
Actually, until you prove when the 'malady' happened, I will happily say that one is born with it.
And you can't really tell someone likes someone of the same sex just by looking at them, especially if they're hiding it. Nice try, though.
Wow... that has got to be one of the dumbest, most inaccurate tests I've ever seen. Personally, I would color the whole brain pink, as that's the color it is naturally. Then when he says that I'm gay, I would laugh and inform him that I'm straight. Then I would gleefully skip away just to mess with him some more.
Either that or I would just bring a 64-pack of crayons and make the brain into some kind of super-rainbow. I'd love to see him attempt to figure out what traits sea green and mahogany represent.
"when I looked at them I couldn’t tell the difference between a heterosexual who never was homosexual and them"
Maybe because they're aren't that different, fucktard.
@ KittyKaboom
He has adopted a new strategy. Now he is posting unctuous, smarmy messages playing up to what he thinks is the prevailing attitude on this site. He is waiting for someone to comment on this so he can say, "see, I've joined the pod people." As of this writing, no one has taken the bait.
His predictability is even starting to bore me.
Dr. Shrinker: I noticed that too. What a drag. Also, he still hasn't answered my question about how many people he's managed to convert here.
PG lacks the courage of his convictions.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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