I think I would be a very very effective president, and my policies though radical, would create a better economy, and a better way-of-life both here and abroad for all american citizens. I would not rule to be liked, I would rule to make this a better country. And to the other poster, yes it would be somewhat of a dictatorship. I agree. I would change the constitution to increase the presidential term of office from 4 years to maximum 25 years, arguing that 4 years is not enough nor sufficient in todays global economy and ever-changing world. With increased poverty, increased violence, increased technology, and increased demands for resources, I would argue that 4 years actually undermines any realistic effort a president has to bring about change. Even 8 years is not enough. And my argument would sell. We need some level of dictatorship/imperialism to wake us up (so long as it is the right type of dictatorship), because FREEDOM has put us to sleep and made us weak in understanding what it means to have a NATION and to be a citizen within that nation, abiding by certain National laws.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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