Frequently the charge leveled against this writer and any pro-family advocate who delves into this connection is that we are alleging that all or most “gay” men are child molesters. This is absurd. Recently this false accusation was leveled against me in a hostile e-mail to AFTAH. I challenged my accuser to find a single remark of mine that supports his claim that I had said that ”all or most gay men” are pedophiles. He never provided any evidence, because there is none.
What I have said for the last two decades is that pederasty and pedophilia are disproportionately connected to homosexuality — as one would expect since it is a perversion. I have asked the question of why so many child-sex-abuse victims are boys (usually estimated at more than 25 percent) if a mere 1-3 percent of men are homosexual. Deviance begets deviance, so the overabundance of pathologies — sadomasochism, unparalleled promiscuity, high STD rates, pornography, extreme gender confusion, relationship violence, and past child sex abuse – among homosexuals should not surprise those who still consider facts and reason above politically-correct platitudes.
"Oh we didn't say all gayz rape kids, just most of 'em"
"so many child-sex-abuse victims are boys (usually estimated at more than 25 percent)"
And that would leave 75% female, you dumb fuck.
"unparalleled promiscuity"
Hahahahaha. Take a look at the Gabba scene from the early 90s to the mid-90s in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland - if you want to see what real promiscuity and hedonism looks like.
Most child molesters are heterosexual in their adult relationships, regardless of the gender of their victims. In other words, even if you think that committing rape of a boy makes a man gay, leading a crusade against men who date other adult men is the exact wrong way of rooting out all these "child-molesting gays" you're so concerned about.
Sure, you might be one of the few fundies who never connect pedophilia and homosexuality. Oh, sorry, no. I was way too kind; there you go, connecting it in a very definite way.
If pedophilia is disproportionately connected to homosexuality, it's the other way around; most pedophiles are heterosexuals, or have no adult sexuality at all. So many victims are boys because boys are not watched as closely as girls are. What appeals to a pedophile is the youth and innocence, the gender is of little or no importance. If there were SO many boy victims, shouldn't it be way over 50 percent of all victims? Or are most pedophiles male, and lesbians are not homosexuals, and never pedophiles? About 10 percent of the population is gay, as far as I know.
To most sane people, homosexuality is no more deviant than left-handedness.
Citation very much needed for all those allegations.
YOU'RE the one with the politically correct platitudes of "pro-family" and "truth". We stick with facts and reason, which tell us that homosexuals are similar to heterosexuals in almost all ways. The only thing differing is the gender we fall in love with. End of story.
" He never provided any evidence, because there is none. "
Here's your crow flavored evidence:
" pederasty and pedophilia are disproportionately connected to homosexuality "
Do you read your posts before you post them? Maybe you should start.
The reason so many abused kids are boys is simple: parents are far more guarded with their daughters than their sons. Boys are expected to go off on their own and resist parental oversight far more than girls, and some people even think it's unhealthy to involve themselves in the daily lives of their sons the way the would with their daughters or that it will "turn them gay" or some bullshit.
Because of this, boys are much more vulnerable.
I have asked the question of why so many child-sex-abuse victims are boys (usually estimated at more than 25 percent) if a mere 1-3 percent of men are homosexual.
Simple, some pedophiles don't care if they're molesting boys or girls. All they care about is exerting their power over children and the opportunity to do so. For example, in Catholic churches you have altar boys but no altar girls so boys are the only opportunity that pedophile priests have.
"He never provided any evidence, because there is none."
Well, I'm glad you've decided to rectify that.
You might want to take account of the abuse of boys by women (usually their mothers or elder siblings). From my many years experience with group therapy involving sexual abuse survivours, I'm afraid its far, far more prevalent than you think.
Also what others said - it's cause their kids, not cause they're boys.
Y'know, I bet if you surveyed child molesters the vast majority of them (in the U.S. anyway) would profess Christianity. How 'bout we start considering that a sign of pedophilia, eh Pete? Of course, that would put you under immediate suspicion ...
"What I have said for the last two decades is that pederasty and pedophilia are disproportionately connected to homosexuality."
Say it over and over again and it becomes the "Truth?"
You should change the name of your organization to:
Southern North Americans For The Untruthful Truthiness About Homosexuality - if you are even slightly interested in being truthful, which of course you aren't.
I'm not saying gays are more likely to molest children, I'm just saying that homosexuals are more likely to engage in pederasty.
You know, you can't just swap out words and expect to make the same point (long refuted) all over again.
You can't tell a pedophile's adult sexual orientation by the sex of their victims. Studies based on actual convicted pedophiles show that about 40% have no adult sexual orientation - that is, they aren't attracted to or have sex with adults of either sex. The remainder are mostly heterosexual, or in some cases, bisexual- in their adult sex lives. Pedophiles who are homosexual in their adult relationships are quite rare. One such study failed to find any. Boys get molested because they aren't watched as carefully and tend to participate more in independent activities like sports (or choirboys).
"I don't think all or most gay men are pedos, but I think that homosexuality and pedophilia are inherently connected." Yeah, that's a great distinction, there... Do clods like this really consider mean who molest girls to be heterosexual, then? Do these idiots understand the difference between a sexual orientation and an act of sexual abuse, ever?
Pretty sure straight people corner the market when it comes to promiscuity, STDs, porn, and spousal abuse. Sadomasochism and "gender confusion" aren't tied to a sexual orientation. And, again, child abuse isn't, either. Though, most men who commit sexual acts with children have hetero relationships. The majority aren't strictly attracted to children. Most sexual abusers would say they are a member of some strain of xtianity, too.
According to Peter here, 75% of child sexual abuse is committed against girls, therefore it would follow that most pedophiles are straight men. By his reasoning, aren't straight men the most dangerous to children? Shouldn't we be keeping straight men away from kids? Straight men like Jerry Sandusky, for example.
You say:
"I challenged my accuser to find a single remark of mine that supports his claim that I had said that ”all or most gay men” are pedophiles. He never provided any evidence, because there is none."
Right before you say:
"What I have said for the last two decades is that pederasty and pedophilia are disproportionately connected to homosexuality as one would expect since it is a perversion."
Momma didn't raise no genius, did she?
Let's use your own, un-sourced statistic that 25% of child sex abuse victims are boys. That also would count boys abused by women (though I guess in your world women can't be sex abusers or something) and it leaves 75% of sex abuse victims as girls.
So how exactly is that disproportionately in favor of gays more likely being child molesters, exactly? You fail both at common sense and math.
@ Doubting Thomas : You wrote:
"So what you're saying is that nobody can prove you said that a majority of gay men are pedophiles, even though that's what you really believe."
To be fair to Mr. LaBarbera, he's not saying he believes a majority of gay men are pedopholes. He's saying he believes 25% of pedophiles are gay men even though only 1-3% of the general population are gay men.
Doesn't mean he's any less of a homophobe, though.
The actual main thrust of the linked article is this:
"With the Boy Scouts-homosexuality debate raging once again, AFTAH launches a new series, “The Pedo-File” to expose this most insidious brand of advocacy."
I was very torn between submitting what I did and some later bits about this Pedo-File.
"extreme gender confusion"
And once again, trans people are nothing more than "ultra-gays," with the bonus labels of "deviance," "pathology" and the implication that we need help from condescending Old Testament Thumpers. (Not to mention that we might be pedophiles.) No attempt made to understand what it means to be trans or even what we're called.
You can fuck off, Peter LaBarbera, until you've shown that you'd care to learn about how the world actually works.
To someone who lives in Europe, it simply begars belief that anyone would bother to try (and fail) to advance this idiotic argument. Even more astonishing is that an organisation to do so should exist.
Seriously Peter, none of this affects your life in any way, so grow up, shut up, and fuck off.
> What I have said for the last two decades is that pederasty and pedophilia are disproportionately connected to homosexuality
"I'm not saying that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia. That would be obviously stupid. What I'm saying is that homosexuality is linked to pedophilia!"
@ Tracer
Oh thank the FSM! Someone here who can read!
For a second there I thought that I, a gay man, was going to have to defend this douchebag from FSTDT'ers who were misrepresenting him :(
You win twenty Internets.
@ Dets, your comment troubles me. It is simultaneously profoundly right and profoundly wrong.
OP is a sad case of Nominative Determinism. If he hadn't been named LaBarbera, he probably would never have wasted his life being so defensive about his masculinity.
*whisper mode on*
Apologies Zagen, I hadn't intended to make you feel as though you should explain yourself. Far from it, this crap should be dragged out into the sunlight where it can be disinfected. Keep up the good work, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Between reading the quote, seeing the name of the website and then hovering over the link to read the url without clicking it I did honestly feel discomfort. For decades I've seen everything said from A-Z and have become somewhat jaded towards most of it. As a heterosexual, one thing that still offends me deeply is the dishonest use of child rape as cover for bigotry and justification for the hatred of homosexuals.
*whisper mode off*
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