CG/Rav Mortichai #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

Donaldberg Trumpstein is a blowhard pathological liar sociopath whiny trust fund baby spoiled brat in an ugly old cheesy orange spray tanned whoremonger’s body.

He is not for all the redneck simps he connived with his sales talk and back room Jewboy Illuminati Cambridge Analytica data mining of the average red state voters social media posts so they all knew exactly what lies to feed the masses to sell their Zionist NWO bs to them.

He only works for the Khazarian Mafia and it’s always been MIGA not MAGA as his sole function is to be ZioDon The ZioPawn. I thought I despised GW Bush and Cheney the most for being old White privileged candy ass mahogany row country club soft pussy’s as men who sent America’s youth to a bogus war that costs trillions and recked countless life’s here and abroad.

But ZioDon The ZioPawn is worse because all he does is lie24/7/365. There’s nothing worse than a pathological liar man, nothing and that POS is just one big ugly lie.
<Rav Mortichai
I’ve lampooned a number of Prince songs here, mainly to poke the jew. Not out of meanness to Prince, whose music I enjoy and something we can all recognize.

I’ll say this about Prince. Despite appearance, he was hetero and a Christian (Jehovah’s Witnesses) brought up in a Christian household. His ex-guitarist (a lesbian jew) implied anti-semitism when he attempted to convert her to Christianity.

After Prince died, it was discovered his doctor (also jewish) had overprescribed pain medicine. To this day, jewish media maintains it was an unintentional overdose when in reality it was medical malpractice at best or a poisoning at worst.

Prince was one of the greatest musicians ever. He could do it all, singing, played guitar, bass, piano, others. Great stage presence. He was a gift and God was with him. Taken out by a jew. RIP Prince.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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