Minister R. A. Artis #fundie

Jonathan looked at the being that had just said his name was Lucifer, the enemy of mankind. The still vulnerable youngster stood in absolute shock and disbelief. Lucifer observed the young man intently, knowing that his mind was trying desperately to ascertain the gravity of his presence along with what he had just told him. Being the absolute master of conniving deception and charisma, Lucifer set in motion his devious scheme to coerce the boy to his dark light and vision.
Smiling magnanimously, Lucifer placed his hand on Jonathan’s shoulder and, with a quiet compassion, said, “I know this sounds incredible, Jonathan, but everything you hold dear is comprised of half-truths and carefully disguised lies.” Glowing with an ethereal luminance, Lucifer continued, “Let me explain from the beginning…”
“The world from which we abide is called Nahash, located around the star you call Alnilam, the center star in the belt of the constellation Orion. Our world developed our intelligence billions of years before yours, and we achieved a level of development where we evolved into pure energy. Our thoughts could be translated into whatever we could conceive. One of us achieved a power and intelligence greater than all and began to reshape the cosmos into his image. He became so powerful he was able to contract the entire universe into one small infinitesimally dense microscopic singularity and release all that enormous energy in what you call the ‘Big Bang.’ This enabled him to reform the universe as he saw fit. His name is Yahweh, the being you refer to as God.”
Jonathan was rocked to the core of his being as he interrupted Lucifer’s explanation, “Wait one moment! You mean to tell me that Yahweh, though powerful, may not be the God we hold as the Supreme Creator?!”
Smiling at the deductive reasoning and high intelligence the young man showed, Lucifer continued, “That is correct, Jonathan. Yahweh is indeed powerful and to you he may appear to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, but, in essence he is not God in the sense you perceive God. In the vastness of creation, there are levels of omnipotence that you cannot conceive of in your present stage of development. There are many dimensions of existence in what is called the multiverse which is housed within the omniverse, the conceptual ensemble of all possible universes with all possible laws of physics. Yahweh is only the present manifestation of the Creator Force of this universe. There is, however, a being that is known to those who have attained a certain level of awareness who is the essence and intelligence of the omniverse, and he is referred to as the One Above All.”
“Let me continue, the One Above All decreed that all universes and realities be created, destroyed, and re-created in an eternally repetitive series of cycles for reasons known only to Him. Yahweh decided that instead of being the avatar of the One Above All, he would separate this universe from Himself and create his own cosmos with his own rules. The first thing Yahweh did was to create a pocket dimension he called Heaven, located in the recesses of the Northern quadrant of this universe. He then took the rest of the Nahashians and made them into the hierarchy of angelic beings. I was the first evidence of his creative genius, and he made me the epitome of his splendor, power, and wisdom. I and the rest of the host spent countless eons worshipping Yahweh as matter and time coalesced into its present form.”
“Yahweh then turned his attention to Earth and saw that one of the primitive ape-like creatures had unlimited intelligence and genetic potential. He wanted me to experiment on them. This experimentation took millions of years until I finally created Homo sapiens, who were designed from the very essence of Yahweh. Yahweh was so impressed with my handiwork he imbued man with a fraction of his divine spark that gave man a soul. This surprised and shocked many of the angels, as well as myself, who were confused as to the reason why Yahweh wanted to have created this new race of beings.
“Yahweh gave no reason only that we should be patient and trust him and for a time this was sufficient. However, I discovered that Yahweh intended for man to be a race of slaves, and I did not want this for I had become fond of man. I vehemently criticized Yahweh’s plan, accusing him of lacking vision and benevolence. I decided to collect evidence to persuade Yahweh that humanity deserved to be free to discover their place in the universe and to reach their own potential without the encumbering laws he had created to bind humanity to his oppressive will.
“You see, Jonathan, Yahweh desired all humanity to be his slaves and ignorant to the truth that freedom from his laws bring. I, on the other hand, desired man to have knowledge of self and have his mind opened to realization of that knowledge. Yahweh and I became estranged because of this ideological conflict and so, when in the Garden of Eden, where humanity’s primordial parents, Adam and Eve, the first of Homo sapiens, were told not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, which was not an actual fruit but a metaphor for forbidden knowledge. Yahweh kept this information hidden from them like in the legend of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give to man. I informed them that their nakedness represented Yahweh’s desire to keep them enslaved because of the threat they represented.
“Yahweh knew that one day man would become as powerful as Himself, and they would become a threat to His reign. Adam and Eve felt degraded by this revelation, and they rebelled against Yahweh who punished them by introducing death, pain, and suffering into the universe to keep them imprisoned to his will. Yahweh then made me the perpetrator of this egregious crime and formulated the legend of Satan and the birth of evil.”
“By this time, the barrier between Yahweh and me had become a full-fledged war, and a third of Heaven had taken up my cause to liberate man. I challenged Yahweh that he was far too removed from man to see how pain and anguish motivated Him to strive for meaning to His mortal existence. I demanded that if He truly wished to understand Himself then He should take human form. Angered by this, Yahweh chose to replicate himself and created Jesus Christ, whom He endowed with all His power. Jesus was fully human at the same time. I challenged Yahweh to experience human passions and desires through Jesus, and this He did by becoming familiar with the mortality of suffering and eventual death. I was awed and shocked by Yahweh’s decision to allow Jesus to die, supposedly as a sacrifice for man’s ‘transgression’ in the Garden of Eden; however, the truth of the matter was— and is— Jesus’ sacrifice was in vain.
“You see, the human spirit is so powerful that at death it resides either in an unconscious state within the body or in an extradimensional limbo. Some await rebirth, while those select few who have lived extraordinary lives are granted oneness with the One Above All, to exist eternally as part of the living spiritual intelligence of the omniverse. Jesus’ sacrifice to atone for sin was another clever ruse to keep humankind enslaved to the will of Yahweh. You see, unlike a regular human, when Jesus, who was Yahweh in human form, died on the cross, He knew that he would survive and thus could never have known the true suffering of man. Man does not know his soul will survive. It suffers, and in this ambiguity, man is granted a gift which Yahweh does not understand: the passion to cling to life and the strength that mortality affords you. Yahweh knew He would survive death and could not truly know what it was to be human.”
Lucifer decided it was time to twist the truth a little more in order to place another shred of doubt in Jonathan’s mind.
Feigning reluctance, Lucifer took a deep breath and vehemently said, “What I am about to divulge to you, Jonathan, is known only to very few. And if Yahweh knew I was telling you this He would most certainly destroy you. Heaven is not what you think. Yahweh created it in an effort to shield his presence from the One Above All and developed the myth that all human souls would subject themselves to his servitude. He formulated that they would abide there with Him after the death of their corporeal forms. The truth is, the only entities present in Heaven are those angelic Nahashians who are in Yahweh’s service, and Hell is another scare tactic He uses to keep his victims enslaved. Heaven and Hell can be on Earth and is how you live your life, Jonathan. You can either live your life a slave to the whims and wishes of a cruel and brutish god, or you can choose to have the blinders lifted from your eyes and see the light of the truth.”
Drawing himself closer to the young man’s beautiful face, Lucifer compassionately said, “Jonathan, Yahweh knows as well as I that humankind has evolved more quickly than anticipated. The latent abilities we foresaw in you will become evident in less than a generation instead of the centuries we thought, and, you my friend, are one of the first of those blessed to become the next stage of human development.
“Homo sapiens are evolving into gods, capable of all manner of wonders and miracles. Your race will transform the universe and I will help you to do so, for this is my desire, to help humans become like me and exist as independent entities, enslaved by no one. I will lead you to your glorious future and together we will topple Yahweh’s destructive and self-serving regime!”
Pleadingly, Lucifer reached out his hand to Jonathan and beseeched him, “Will you help me, Jonathan? Will you take your place at my side and expose Yahweh for what He is?”
Jonathan reeled from the sheer magnitude of all that he had heard and seen as he contemplated everything Lucifer had told him. Was it true that Yahweh was some sort of super alien being and everything he had learned concerning him was a lie designed to keep man from achieving his destiny? Was it Lucifer and not Christ the Messiah who was and Savior of mankind? Was it his destiny to help expose the truth of this to the world?
The young man sighed as he said as if he was weighed down by the entire world’s problems compounded doubly, “This is all so fantastic. I don’t know what to think, or do. I have to consider what to do with all that you have told me.”
Smiling graciously, Lucifer said, “I understand Jonathan. I realize I have placed a tremendous burden on you, but remember, fate rarely calls upon us at a time of our choosing, yet when it does, will you be ready? I will not force you Jonathan. You will have to decide for yourself what to do with what I have told you. Truth is a dangerous thing my friend, for once you have learned from it, you can never go back to who you were. Stay blind and in darkness and remain a slave, or take what I given you and free the world.”
Lucifer slowly disappeared and said in passing, “When the time comes, I shall return unto you and it will be then you will chose either to stand with me or against me. Farewell, until then …”
The sound of Lucifer’s voice echoed into the night sky as he vanished from sight and left Jonathan alone on the shores of Loch Ness.
The Scotland summer wind wafted over the waters of the famous lake and drifted over Jonathan, caressing his body with its warm light touch, as he tried desperately to make sense of what had just transpired. His entire world had been turned upside down and the teachings he had once held dear may all be a part of a carefully conceived lie invented by an immensely powerful alien who wished to maintain a dictatorial hold on humankind in order to prevent them from evolving into a super race that had the potential to bring his tyrannical rule to an end and restore the universe to the care of the One Above All, if everything Lucifer had told him was true. In his mind, Jonathan thought that this was all some form of hallucination, but if it was, then what caused it? He knew in his rational mind that this was indeed a true and real occurrence, but to what purpose? He was well aware that his gifts and talents made him stand apart, but was he so exceptional that he merited the attention of not only God, but that of Lucifer as well? Was Lucifer truly the evil entity he was portrayed to be, or was he indeed the being who truly created humans and the true Savior of mankind? Was he the benefactor of human civilization and not the perpetrator of malevolence and wickedness history showed him to be? These questions and many, many more raced through his mind as he looked over the waters of Loch Ness. The words which Lucifer spoke to him were the most compelling declarations he had ever heard and they carried a ring of truth, but, like strong black coffee, there was a bitterness that hung over him. Had Lucifer told him the truth or was he being the consummate liar he was said to be and was this an attempt to have him become a disciple of iniquity?
Falling to his knees, Jonathan cried out in a loud voice, “God, help me! What am I going to do?! I can’t handle this! It is too much for me to bear!”
The tears that flowed from his eyes dripped down his face and rained upon the ground as he wept in confusion and pain. All of a sudden, the waters of Loch Ness began to churn and great waves were thrown ferociously against the shores and broke Jonathan from his cries to God. The agitation grew more intense as the young man looked in confusion and wonder at what was occurring in front of him. What more could happen to him this night? Suddenly a great serpentine form exploded from the frothing disorder of the waters and released a deafening roar that chilled Jonathan to the very core of his being. Fearfully, Jonathan wondered if this was the famed Loch Ness Monster of legend.



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