very simple adam and eve were perfect and when they became imperfect, they still had a lot more genes than us. in other words they had not been diluted out. so their children were of varying races and as you describe when there became enough of them, they took mates of their race for the most part and were living in certain areas.
No, that's not how genetics works. Humans have 46 chromosomes. They don't slowly drop over time while remaining the same species, as this would cause any offspring to likely die or at minimum be sterile.
TDR, Skaloop, Pike: BRAVO!
(Especially Skaloop, for spelling the full name of DNA correctly!)
~David D.G.
And for your next trick, please explain how the human genome project went wrong, where they missed this riveting piece of information, and why even the 'lesser races' [asshole] have exactly the same number of genes.
Fundy Word Appropriation Project: Genetic Junk - Apparently extraneous links in the DNA spiral which have nothing to do with 2.5 billion years of Eukaryotic evolution, but God switched them off as punishment when he refused to let Adam and Eve eat from the Tree of Life.
(Of note, some genetic junk does evolve [switch] into other functions from time to time, such as the uncanny ability for some people to talk out their asses)
Does this idiot realize that triploid humans (three copies of each chromosome instead of two) don't make it past infancy, tetraploids rarely even make it to birth, and beyond that is damn near impossible to even happen, much less actually have the embryo make it to birth? Hell, three copies of any one chromosome is usually enough to result in a stillbirth, and of those that aren't fatal in the womb, all except Down syndrome will kill you before adulthood!
I'm guessing but if A & E had a lot more genes than us, then they probably wouldn't have looked much like us. And if A was created in G's image, then we don't look like G at all. Wow! Man created in G's image has just been disproved, and by a fundamentalist no less!!
Well, as everyone knows, genes aren't simply found by themselves, they are organized into chromosomes. And, therefore, creationists postulate that the number of chromosomes is decreasing in humans over time. Well, I guess we started off as ferns (480 chromosomes), then, over time, we devolved into white Ash trees (138 chromosomes), and from there, into carp with 100 chromosomes. Then we turned into goldfish with 94 chromosomes, and then sweet potatoes (with 90 chromosomes). After that, we became turkeys, and then, probably around the time of noah, humanity split into three groups: chickens, dogs, and ducks (78 chromosomes each), and, from there, we have gone through Horses (64 chromosomes), Cows (60 chromosomes), Silkworms (56 chromosomes), Cotton (52 chromosomes), Amoebas (50 chromosomes), and... chimpanzees (48 chromosomes). Also, tobacco (48 chromosomes). Maybe we were tobacco chimpanzees, and that's why people smoke! LOL
(For those who haven't figured it out, I'm parodying one of Kent Hovind's articles. Specifically,
Sadly , this is a better (and more coherent) argument against creation than his original against evolution)
According to human DNA and the Bible, all humans of all races are actually related to each other, having the same 46 chromosomes. And if people believe that Africa is the birthplace of all humanity, then the Garden of Eden was located in the land which would later become the continent of Africa, somewhere in Egypt region. The land mass of the earth then was a Pangaea, or Supercontinent, where North and South America, Africa and Eurasia were all joined together. Only after Noah's Flood would the Supercontinent be split into seperate continents, the continents we know today. So, no matter what race you are today, all races are actually related to each other, GO FIGURE! I wonder what the KKK or other White Supremacist would think if they got to know that they are related to all races, including Black People?
Jay C. Smith
Houston, Texas
pardon me if I inject some reality into this:
If they had more genes than us, one of 3 possibilities would result.
1) They wouldn't be human.
2) They would be dead.
3) They would be retarded.
(I wanted to to say mentally handicapped, but this dumbass deserves the slightly offensive bluntness.)
It's the 21st Century and some people still believe industrial strength crap like that?
Ah, the retardant power of religion. It knows almost no boundaries.
So, when creationists say that humans only come from humans, they're wrong? Seriously, if Adam and Woman had more genes than we do today, they wouldn't be human pretty much by definition...
Also, the various races dropped by the first couple don't really matter because everyone drowned except for Noah and 7 others.
So the only way for this racial diversity to make it through that bottleneck would be if Noah and his sons all had interracial marriages. Is that what you're saying? God saw that the only non-wicked people on the whole Earth were engaged in miscegenation?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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