John Kinal #conspiracy
It's called war crimes, and it's very anti-American..
Why does Satanic America, war the Democracy of Syria with anti-woman Saudi Arabia as terrorists? It is because in 2001, Assad, Democratically elected, decided to remove all middle men from banking. And what happened? Everyone's money when twice as far without inflation. Then Assad used the new wealth to build countless schools, and many hospitals, now bombed by the pro Hitlery and Obama forces of EVIL.. Why not on TV? They will to con US for death as victims to war crimes with pretty smiles. No TV celebrity demands to have arrested, those who have RIGGED the election, SEE NEVADA, and too, stolen trillions through embezzlement and extortion - In one transfer, 16 trillion hidden from the Federal Reserve, as then exposed in an public audit... Are we, or are we not capable of thinking freely here? Why would anyone will to be cheated a fair say for death ask yourself? We all want to count, and be counted fairly is the freedom to be all we can be, acting civilized.? ?
Lib whore to all Hitlery, with Rightard Congress, OPENLY war the Democracy of Syria, with TV lies as the for real terrorists.. that appose fair say, such as paper ballot elections... that appose all fair human interaction.. apposing God's will to be just, as law abiding.. Satanic liars found out simply by speaking a fair game, where all are legitimately concerned, about where the hell Congress things they can further steal from America's will to be liberated of this ungodly tyranny. Besides, all FBi agents are too cowardly to demand justice for 9/11 today even..
Bush "we don't need any evidence, we know he's guilty" Speaking of why America will not be allowed to follow probable cause, to determine suspects guilty for mass murdering Americans in NYC. Instead pin the entire show on bin Laden as false accuser.. Did bin Laden have any accomplices? No one to this day at the FBI, is allowed to investigate still, for fear of being 'arrested' by the ungodly Satanic enemy, hiding behind our pirated flags. This demonic TV con I will tell, was not started with Bush, but with President Clinton.. it is titled, W199i - i do believe.. Done to hide Alex Jones' bud, Anthony Shaffer's direct complicity in the Cole Bombing.. Blowing up AMERICAN sailors..Changed in a good way, for the better.
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