Dean T. Olson #fundie

[From a series of articles titled, "God, Guns and American in the End Time - Would Jesus Carry Concealed?"]

While the title may be jocular, the subject of gun control is a serious end of the age matter. Like many social issues that dominate the headlines in the run up to the rapture, calls for gun control following mass shootings are more than they appear. It isn't just about controlling guns to prevent mass shootings. It's about control, period.

Bible prophecy foretells that in the last days the world will accept a leader called the antichrist who will control the world based on a three-legged stool consisting of one world economy, one world government and one world religion. To accomplish this agenda there must first be control. In order to establish one world government it is necessary to control the populace. An unarmed populace is easy pickings for a dictator.

That is the ultimate goal of all gun control plans; to disarm freedom-loving Americans under the pretense of accomplishing a public good.


All of the elements necessary for the rise of the antichrist after the rapture and during the tribulation hinge on reducing or destroying Christian America. Here in the US many of our secular progressive/liberal leaders are doing their part in this evil control scheme by enacting regulations that will ultimately result in tyrannical authoritarian power over the masses. A major facet of this scheme is called "gun control." Its goal serves the purposes of Satan in the preparatory steps necessary to install to power, and eventually indwell the antichrist to rule a world lacking much of the restraining power on evil provided by the Holy Spirit after the removal of Christians during the rapture.


Because America remains a Christian nation containing a majority of freedom-loving citizens, at least until the rapture, Satan is forced to undermine that base of support using a two-pronged attack. First, he influences mentally unbalanced individuals to commit mass shootings that play into the hands of liberals who rush to decry the slaughter by blaming the instrumentality of the crime, firearms, while expressing nary a whisper about the personal responsibility of the killers.

It is important to remember that due to Satan's deceit, every step necessary to usher in the one world government of the antichrist will appear to be logical, wise and irresistible. That is why gun control is so appealing to many of those lacking in spiritual discernment amid a world awash in wanton and unrepentant sin. The second prong works hand in hand with the first. Satan wields one of his most powerful weapons; the propagandists of the secular progressive elites dominating the mainstream media (MSM) to demonize gun owners.



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