LiterallyASoyboy #sexist
(Note: He is reacting to a video of a woman with only one eye.)
RE: [Brutal] Femcels can exist bro if she's deformed
her looksmatch isn't even here, he was thrown into the dumpster when he was a baby
Yet she would never date a deformed man, and a normal looking woman would probably rather die than do so. The most ridiculous part of it all is that her face doesn't put me off, but somehow ITcels and journalists will say that our standards are too high, when I'm literally willing to date a deformed woman.
I fucking hate the west, everyone is so BLATANTLY disingenuous, I sometimes have trouble telling whether or not it's all a parody of itself. Then we get women and simps mystifying their own shallow instincts to select based upon physical attributes as love, the very same instincts which have caused men to brutally kill and exploit each other for as long as humans have existed. But they don't care, they don't care about facing the truth of the world, they care about deluding themselves into believing that this shit is magical and meaningful. I wish it would all just fucking burn, we would all be better off if this planet were home to nothing but dust and rock.
It seemed like there were pictures of different guys with the one eyed girl in that video but after viewing it again I think it was just all pictures of her with her bf Conner.
There's always one guy that's willing sometimes as a way of validating their existence and showing others what good understanding people they are
@LiterallyASoyboy have you thought this too?Shouldn't surprise anyone. There will always be at least a few guys lining up for any foid. Idk where all these guys are coming from.
Some people suspect it's because good looking normies and chadlites are orbiting multiple women.
Well it's just ironic how men don't tend to have particularly high standards for looks, despite the bluepilled narrative suggesting that we do. When I say that her face doesn't bother me, it's not virtue signalling, I mean it. If I enjoyed being around her (jfl) and it felt good to have sex and physical intimacy with her, then what does it matter? Part of this is probably due to me being disgusted by my own urges and innate lookism, so yeah, it's not entirely due to being naturally this way. Tbh if I could make my sex drive just vanish, then that's what I'd do. I hate almost everything about this world, and physical attraction is no exception.
What people miss is that a lot of chadlites and chads that date down aren't doing so out of the goodness of their hearts. They are doing it to seem like better less shallow people than they actually are. A lot of it is virtue signaling.
You can't say this kind of thing anywhere without getting shouted down, threatened and branded a bigot by women and those sympathetic to them.
In this way women have worked together to ensure these mismatched SMV relationships where the guy is more NT and attractive come under no criticism and it is accepted as the new normal.
It is a subtle racket they have going on.
Yeah for most people their whole lives are about image, so it wouldn't surprise me.I guess that's the difference, my feelings are mostly due to my own emotions, whereas the chads you're describing are probably just being dishonest. Of course it's easier to not care so much if you're unattractive yourself, at least as a male anyway. Clearly it must be different for females.
Femcels are as real as santa