Shawntheimmortal942 #wingnut #sexist

I have heard there are better alternatives than patreon and if you can find them then I recommend abandoning this sinking ship! When you get banned for a NSFW drawing of an obviously mature Hex Maniac with big tits and you lose all that money because she “looks young”...Ya gotta leave! Now they want you all back? This is get woke go broke and they are suffering for it and I’m not losing sleep over their own failure. If you have a patreon and you haven’t had any trouble then keep at it but always have a backup since Patreon is getting ban happy, this goes out to all the NSFW artists out there to find better alternatives! This is what happens when you try to do business with the woke crowd, the creators who are actually profitable leave while your site is full of communists. Keep that iron wall up and strong, Patreon! I’ll sleep soundly with the sounds of your crumbling business and cries of “why!?”...maybe I’ll touch myself...I will touch myself XD

Edit: Patreon begging people to come back by claiming they’re “cutting the bullshit”… when they’re just making more bullshit! You can’t say “Creativity over everything” but add in the fine print “Except if your political views are different than ours and if so then fuck you, you fucking nazi!” Eat shit, Patreon!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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