So what we have are two bulls here. One is satan-led, Godless liberals, who insist on pumping unproven theories down the bodies of children NO matter if the facts are proven wrong. ON the other hand, you have creationists who lack the courage to stand up to the liberals and say what they really feel and believe.
So they deserve their house to fall! (“A house divided against itself, shall not stand!”) God will NEVER bless ANY creationist who hides from truth for NOT saying boldly, “GOD created heaven and earth, and ALL that is in it; and he did this in 6 days; just 6,000 yrs Ago!” And then LET the satan-led, Godless liberals deal with it as they will.
I happen to believe that God created ALL in 6 days, JUST 6,000 yrs ago. I will look ANY teacher; or any professor; or any scientist in the eye; and state my belief to them; whether they like it or not. I am not going to hide God while trying to play their game using contrived words like “creationism” so I can try to sell it to Godless minds on THEIR level.
I will further tell them; that they ARE the quintessential satan-led, Godless liberal; for NOT stating their TRUE agenda also. And then we can agree to disagree; and they can go to hell, and I will enjoy heaven. NOT because of whether evolution is true or not; rather because I put my faith in God, and they put their faith in satan.
SO BE IT! (Amen!)
Yes, don't let facts and the truth stand in the way of your beliefs.
You should know, though, that no one really gives a fuck what you believe!
"So what we have are two bulls here."
"One is satan-led, Godless liberals, who insist on pumping unproven theories down the bodies of children NO matter if the facts are proven wrong."
"Pumping unproven theories down the bodies of children?" What's that about?
If you're talking about the ToE, the evidence is all on the side of us Godless liberal ToE supporters. Most of our data is not wrong and if some of it is, science is a self-correcting process.
"ON the other hand, you have creationists who lack the courage to stand up to the liberals and say what they really feel and believe."
We already know what you "feel and believe." What you "feel and believe" is irrelevant. What is true is the issue.
"So they deserve their house to fall! (“A house divided against itself, shall not stand!”) God will NEVER bless ANY creationist who hides from truth for NOT saying boldly, “GOD created heaven and earth, and ALL that is in it; and he did this in 6 days; just 6,000 yrs Ago!” And then LET the satan-led, Godless liberals deal with it as they will.
I happen to believe that God created ALL in 6 days, JUST 6,000 yrs ago. I will look ANY teacher; or any professor; or any scientist in the eye; and state my belief to them; whether they like it or not. I am not going to hide God while trying to play their game using contrived words like “creationism” so I can try to sell it to Godless minds on THEIR level.
I will further tell them; that they ARE the quintessential satan-led, Godless liberal; for NOT stating their TRUE agenda also. And then we can agree to disagree; and they can go to hell, and I will enjoy heaven. NOT because of whether evolution is true or not; rather because I put my faith in God, and they put their faith in satan."
Yeah, yeah, yeah. 6-day creation. 6000 year old earth. God good. Liberals bad. satan = liberal. (If you were had 4 brain cells instead of you're inadequate trifecta you would realize Satan should be capitalized.) Creationism good. Liberals go to hell. C'mon, pat, can't you think of ANYTHING new to say, ANY intelligent assertion, ANYTHING?
Heh. I'd encourage her. The dumber the creationists make themselves look the less converts they make.
" 'and he did this in 6 days; just 6,000 yrs Ago!' And then LET the satan-led, Godless liberals deal with it as they will."
Speaking for my people (well, godless liberals anyway) we will most likely deal with it by ocntinuing to patiently pointing out the stacks of evidence contradicting this position and occasionally also by laughing our asses off.
Well, you know, actually ... patdeeee does have a point. This is what fundies really believe, and is at least honest, instead of all that BS about 'intelligent design'. Also, if the creationist lobby were to say this openly, it would make them a hell of a sight easier to deal with.
No, this ain't just a Bible thumper, this is a nut who'll beat the crap out of anyone with her good ol' KJV, in da Lawd Gawd's name.
Just so everyone knows, nowhere in the Bible does it state that the earth is 6,000 years old. The earth existed for millions of years before Adam and Eve, if you read litteral translations of the Hebrew Bible.
Being liberal is not a synonym for atheism, so quit saying it is. Additionally, one cannot be Satan-led when they don't believe Satan exists.
As for my "true agenda," I'll state it plainly for you right here: I wish for the betterment and equal treatment of man-and-womankind. That is all.
<<< One is satan-led, Godless liberals, who insist on pumping unproven theories down the bodies of children NO matter if the facts are proven wrong. >>>
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who's the most delusional of all?
For what it's worth, I happen to know plenty of godless conservatives who believe in evolution. I know they're less prevalent than godless liberals, but there you are.
I also know some god loving liberals who believe in evolution too.
For what it's worth, I happen to know plenty of godless conservatives who believe in evolution.
Heck, I know conservative Catholics who accept Evolution.
But then again, your average Jack Chick fundie thinks that Catholics aren't really Christians and that the Pope is the Antichrist....
Actually... I am the quintessential Satan-led, godless conservative... And if he called me the quintessential Satan-led, godless liberal, I would punch him in the eye.
And also, um... that post hurts my brain.
<<<I happen to believe that God created ALL in 6 days, JUST 6,000 yrs ago. I will look ANY teacher; or any professor; or any scientist in the eye; and state my belief to them>>>
Is this while they're on the floor laughing at your complete self delusionment?
So what we have are two bulls here. One is satan-led, Godless liberals, who insist on pumping unproven theories down the bodies of children NO matter if the facts are proven wrong. ON the other hand, you have creationists who lack the courage to stand up to the liberals and say what they really feel and believe.
Just because someone supports evolution doesn't mean they are "godless" - it just means they're not members of a sect that insists on the literal accuracy of the Bible. Not everyone who isn't a Baptist or whatever fundamentalist sect patdeeee happens to adhere to is automatically an atheist.
As for facts being proven wrong, what facts is patdeeee referring to?
They will like it a lot; they'll hurt themselves laughing at your stupidity.
Jesus was rather liberal, wasn't he? Have you actually read the Bible, patdeeee?
Scientists have theories, proven time and time again, with tons of evidence for each theory, and creationists have "what they really feel and believe". Great!
I'll follow reality over ancient fairy-tales, thank you very much!
And just a few months later, Kitzmiller vs. Dover - via the decision of the Conservative Christian John E. Jones III, personally appointed to the Federal bench four years previously, by the Conservative Christian (who believes in Creationism) George Dumbya Bush; who in turn was elected - twice - by Christian Conservatives who believe in Creationism such as patdeeee(rp).
Thus the Religious Reich's own Creationist agenda - via 'I.D.' (a.k.a. Creationism by Stealth) was destroyed. By themselves .
So. Be. It.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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