FlyFace #crackpot #sexist

RE: [JFL] CuckTears foid: "For my homework, I'm going to infiltrate an incel forum"

If you want to provide social commentary please don't pretend to be fair and objective.

The fact that the social commentary controls society is why Foidscum abuse it. How else will they ensure that they can happily frolic and abscond with Attractive Men while the Unattractive Men work 9-5 and suffer horrifying mental difficulties from being denied things that Humans need to survive and be sane, if not for their brainwashing and gaslighting programs? This is the feminist dream.. absolute power to do exactly what they want 100% of the time with 0 consequences ever.

why it's always foids trying to study us jfl they don't even have the cognitive capacity to study some social/natural phenomenon seriously so they have to come up with some meme shit "misogyny among men" "inklers and their hate" bs

Because they are a hivemind.. they must show Men that they are bad, evil, literally Hitler and get them to give up all their rights because they are rapists and so evil. It is all to get more power. Men in centuries past took the heads of other Men to take their power. Now Foids take their brains instead and make the head hollow as if there was no power there to begin with. The disgusting parody of Man it produces is grotesque. The Modern Man walks around with no Brain.. honestly most of them with their pox'd minds should be culled so their harmful Dogma may bot be spread anymore. It is like their brains are taken out and replaced with a sound box that keeps spouting feminist lies every time it is asked any question about Males.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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