Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #elitist
Our third dimensional adventure is drawing to a close. We great and wonderful multi dimensional souls, particles of God, are brave, very brave in that we sent a small part of ourselves to earth to experience the darkness that the low frequency of this environment allows.
This journey into physicality, being reincarnated, over and over again, as a human, has been made particularly difficult in that we have no memory of the great beings that we really are.
Although most lightworkers have, from their infancy, known instinctively that they don’t belong here and that they are different from their human brethren.
We lightworkers, came in at a higher frequency to be beacons of light, transformers of the positive, high vibrating energy that is being poured onto the earth at this time.
For fear could not be experienced in our true heavenly realty. And it is the contrast of fear that we came to experience. We lightworkers are experts in suffering.
For it is by suffering as humans, by being humiliated, hurt, derided, laughed at, rejected and being taken advantage in every way that we truly come to understand the human domain.
And that is what we came here to do. We came here to understand the programmed psychology of humanity in order that we might help. Help them out of their enslaved entrapment. Help them release their programmed dysfunctional behavior.
Yes indeed, be of good cheer dear hearts, dear souls, be of good cheer. Your suffering will be greatly rewarded. Now that you have mastered the nature of the human condition, now that you understand how humans have been programmed into behaving negatively.
Now you can help them, in the times to come, as they awaken. You can help them to raise their frequency into the fifth dimensional love vibration.
You are the saviors of the world. You radiate the love energy that is being poured onto earth in this great awakening time and send it in waves of radiant light to all around you.