Actually if a human next to a dinosaur enveloped in ice was ever found, it probably would disapear and never reach the public eye. Do you how much evidence has been destroyed and taken by the government and evolutionists.
OK, please clear this up -- it was destroyed first, and then taken?
All those inconvenient ashes, you see, we couldn't leave them lying around for just anyone to notice.
'Do you how much evidence has been destroyed and taken by the government and evolutionists.'
Nope. And if I don't know, how do you? Unless you're privy to top-tier governmental secrets. Or, somewhat more probably, an irredeemable moron.
Aside from the inherent absurdity in this statement, there is also the small matter to consider that "the government" (i.e. the USA's) doesn't govern the whole planet. There are more enlightened countries out there whose governments would no more destroy scientific evidence than they'd invade Russia in midwinter.
Not to mention that paleantologists don't usually work for the government. If one found a human and a T Rex huddled together how long do you think it would remain a secret?
Wait a minute, it's the government and the scientific community who've been engaged in a devious cover-up operation for 2000 years and the Church that's been trying to promote the collection of evidence?
Just want to make sure I read this correctly.
Yeah, that chunk of ice is ten rows North, two rows west from the Ark of the Covenant.
Let's just go off into some fantasy land where Christians hide evidence from Christians. You have no evidence, that it, cut and dried you lose all evidence arguments. Plus the fake shit your side keeps providing fails on EVERY level
I've had enough of this
Especially with the tons of evidence of Christ Carpentry, an ancient contracting company that had it's founder Jesus Christ on the books until he was 59 when he died and it passed on to his eldest son Bubba Christ. What? Never heard of that, well your church did supress it.
That's how easy that shit is. I can't prove a word of it because of you meddling Christ-tards and your damn dog too
There are more enlightened countries out there whose governments would no more destroy scientific evidence than they'd invade Russia in midwinter.
Best Godwin ever.
Speaking of Russia - if they discovered a complete wooly mammoth preserved in ancient ice, they'd probably eat the damn thing.
do you know how famous somebody would get if they found valid evidence to disprove evolution? They'd have tenure for life at any damn university they wanted, and all the grant money they could use. Pretty much any scientist would kill for that.
There's no reason for scientists to want to destroy evidence against evolution, if any actually existed.
Why would anyone cover that up?
Do you think us sane people purposefully want to get rid of the image of a human being, at some point in history, riding a goddamn Tyrannosaurus?
Sadly, that's not possible.
"Do you how much evidence has been destroyed and taken by the government and evolutionists.”
If this was how things worked, we’d still have Piltdown Man in the textbooks. The fraud was discovered by scientists trying to advance the theory of evolution. Creationists didn’t find it, and the government and evolutionists didn’t stop them.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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