Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
I'm glad that Elon Musk set out to make much-needed changes at Twitter. However, as long as radical leftists like Yoel Roth get to decide what speech should and shouldn't be censored, Twitter will never be fair for both sides.

Why can't all legal speech be protected?

( @woozuh )
@DrPaulGosar jews

( @Fat_pony )
@woozuh @DrPaulGosar the Jews literally met with Elon and forced him to censor speech on Twitter. It's bizarre and humiliating. But at least it didn't make him pay 500k like they made that n*****.

@DrPaulGosar yep and the ADL need to be taken out the equation also.

( @Avoter )
@DrPaulGosar Because entrenched Jewish interests are not about to let their in-group preferences spotlighted.

( @nguyenphihoang )
@DrPaulGosar Hail to the most illegitimate, senile, corrupted, treacherous, and crooked president JOE BIDEN!

spoilerHere is a President
who entices people
to break the laws of
our country and
illegally cross our
borders, yet, ignores
the needs of
American citizens.
Here is a President
who violates his oath
to uphold the
Here is a perfect
example of someone
who should be

( @GrandCrusader )
@DrPaulGosar “Radical leftists” is newspeak for “jews”. Just call them out you fucking quiefhead

( @FuckYouCommies )
@DrPaulGosar Woah take it easy with the Anti-Semitism Paul.

( @gabdude )
@DrPaulGosar Because that would be fair, and the left can't have that.



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