<<More fun from Cali!!>>
Call it what you want, you can't show me anything in the bible condoning homosexuality and until it's there I guess I'm racist. Guess what, it will never be there and I guess I'll always be racist but you'll always be an idiot
HOMOSEXUALS ARE NOT A RACE. You are *homophobic* (though probably ALSO racist) for hating gay people.
Also, show me anything in the bible condoning, say, the internet. That's right, get the fuck off the computer NOW.
"Call it what you want, you can't show me anything in the bible condoning homosexuality"
Retarded. Crap bucket guzzling. Douchebaggery. Sphincter prodding hypocrisy. Mythologic high-horsery. Fairy-tale justified homophobia. Brain-leakage. Reaction formation addled anal obsession. Irrational Bible dependence. Oblivious overcompensation. Drunken dickbraggery. Ted Haggard syndrome.
(We are talking about your comments, right?)
"until it's there I guess I'm racist"
"you'll always be an idiot"
Yes. But, on the bright side...at least I'm not you. I am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that " I'll always be racist" is a valid self-assessment, unrelated to the initial fail. But it still does not bode well for you, child.
". . .you can't show me anything in the bible condoning homosexuality. . . "
Um.. Jesus apparently shunned women, and preferred the company of twelve adoring men.
Does that qualify?
so. . . wait, all we have to do is put, in big bold letters, that "and god doth sayeth unto the nation, go forth and be fabulous," in the next print edition of the bible and it's all good. . . would that work with abortion too?
"Call it what you want, you can't show me anything in the bible condoning homosexuality and until it's there I guess I'm racist."
Firstly it's homophobic... although you might just be racist too I dunno.
"Guess what, it will never be there and I guess I'll always be racist but you'll always be an idiot"
I doubt that the person you were talking to was an idiot. But if he was atleast you'd have something in common.
While I'm not about to say you cannot be a racist as well if you want, your bigoted remarks are not targeted to a race, but a sexual preference.
I do not know if you share your bigotry towards homosexuals to those without your race, but still, due to this misunderstanding, it is, quite obviously, you his is the idiot.
The Bible and the Qu'ran both condemn homosexuality. The good thing is that Canada and California have joined the ranks of the world where religious dogmas are not considered the law of the land.
You're still an idiot though.
Cross out the "but you'll" and you're on the right track.
But fucking read the book of Samuel, first, specifically, the part about David and Jonathan's love for each other, and their "love covenant." Your words, not mine.
Let me clear my throat so my words won't be muffled: HOMOSEXUALITY HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE!!
...you can't show me anything in the bible condoning homosexuality...
I can't show you anything in the Bible condoning my limitless contempt for you, people like you, and everything you stand for. Nonetheless that fact doesn't stop me from wanting to micturate on you at the earliest opportunity.
...I guess I'll always be racist but you'll always be an idiot
F***ing retard.
The Bible contains many more proscriptions against adultery than it does homosexuality, but I suspect that every Sunday many adulterers sit in church feeling all sanctimonious because some idiot fundie preacher (who may himself be getting a nice little bit on the side) is frothing at the mouth about "the damage to the sacred institution of marriage" supposedly caused by same-sex unions. Excuse my cynicism, but don't I detect a little hypocrisy here?
Show me anything in the Constitution that used the bible as a source. Seeing as how the bible was kicked to the side, it is stupid to insist that it holds any legitimacy in a modern and cosmopolitan society.
Do you know the definition of homosexuality? How about race? I believe there is a conceptual anomaly in your intellect, av.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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