Variuos commenters #wingnut


spoilerThere are two Americas. One is
obsessed with masks, vaccines,
homosexuality, abortion,
pronouns, BLM, feminism, soy
lattes, mental illness, censorship,
ending whiteness, government
control, etc.
The other is about family,
community, freedom, God,
minding your own business.

“Minding your own business” was kinda a mistake tbh - it lead to a lazy, apathetic conservative majority being taken over by a militant and organised liberal minority.

@SeekUFind The system imposed on amerika since 1913 is destroying all. I can't understand how so few still can't see it for what it is. Read the communist manifesto and tell me which plank hasn't been imposed on amerika.

@Exposingtherootoftheevil @SeekUFind Communism has been pushed on us for a long time, but these capitalism oligarchs aren't doing us any favors either. It seems like unchecked capitalism just transitions into communism once industry and power is monopolized.

@SeekUFind Obama one is about destroying America he’s had two terms to do just that his legacy will always be the man who hates white people so much he was born in Africa send him back so he can be among his color of choice and take big Mike with him.

@SeekUFind "Minding your own business"
As Christians we should always rebuke sinners, not ignore them. That's how we got where we're at.
It shouldn't come from a place of hate, but a place of love. Sin is falling short of what you can be, sins are failures, falling to temptation. Anyone sinning should have a loving Christian there to mentor them.

But if they refuse to be mentored, you're under no obligation to hound them to get them to change.


The other side, after capitulating and grovelling for decades is realizing the one side simply hates them, hates God, hates Whites, hates their country, and won't ever mind their own business and is preparing to go on the offensive. They no longer care about their namecalling, their buzzwords, and slander.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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