"I know it's diffucult for you to see the truth, but please try."
(chuckle) Ok (snicker)
"Evolutionism is the most dangerous form of religion on the planet today."
Wow, really? I had no idea a scientific concept could be a religion, you know, with lace of laws, moral codes, gods and demons, supernatural powers, and such. But ok, continue.
"It's such a intolerant religion that it refuses to be called a religion,"
You know, I've heard many xtian preachers say that xtianity isn't a religion, and it's pretty intolerant, so I think you have the two confused. Projection much? Please, continue.
"even though its major belief, that fossils will provide the answer, is faith-based."
Wow, maybe I'm confused on the definition of faith. I thought faith was belief in something that cannot be experienced or explained. Like how kids believe in Santa Clause. But we have fossils, so there's not really any faith required.
"The Christian Apostle Paul wrote that "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen.""
As opposed to? The Hindu Apostle Paul? I'm sorry, that was sarcastic of me, I apologize. But, that verse proves my last statement, though. Go on.
"Evolutionists are still waiting to see the fossil evidence,"
Um, no, it's there. Just because you want to deny it's existence doesn't make it true. Or, is anti-evolution a new religion?
"but they have FAITH it is there waiting to be dug up."
Ok, this is just boring now. I thought you were going to come with hard evidence. I didn't realize you were just going to spout insane beliefs about how your non-existent god did it, while denying the evidence that is right there for all to see. I'm sorry, I had you confused with someone with a brain.