Various commenters #wingnut

This is the worst argument I’ve seen so far. Also it’s scary that people actually think like this.

…I think I lost brain cells reading this.

I know right? "The woman has to give up her body for another person.", you had sex! When you have sex, thats what happens, you will most likely bear a child! I dont even know what to say anymore.

Human being exists

Human being decides to commit act of procreation

Human being gets pregnant

Human being complains about being pregnant

Idk anymore I need vacation

Because an unwanted pregnancy (99.5% of the time resulting from a consensual act) is exactly like being kidnapped and subjected to forced organ harvesting.

This is unquestionably the dumbest thing I've seen this week.

But consenting to sex isn't consenting to pregnancy!!! /s

Is how it's been explained to me by some PC people I personally know, and is what they truly believe. They have no concept of consequences and apparently are not capable of thinking transitively, like if you consent to sex, you're consenting to the risks associated with that act, including pregnancy.

Their parents didn't read enough Beatrix Potter to them when they were kids. You steal from the garden, get whacked with a zucchini. Mess with the owl, you lose your tail. Every action has a consequence whether we like it or not, and we have to take responsibility for those actions.

Then they will turn around and tell you that men make the decision when they have sex.

The donor argument is so stupid and I can't believe I still have to hear about it in the year of our Lord twenty twenty two.

It really is. Now if Bob had willfully done something that directly caused renal failure in the kidney recipient, and that there are literally zero other matches in the world, there may be an argument to be had. But wherever I point that out to pro choicers they do everything to skirt that VERY important parallel.

Don’t forget the even more important parallel that the only way to avoid the organ donation is to actively and intentionally kill the recipient! Is it ever acceptable to intentionally kill an innocent person? The author of this comic refuses to answer!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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