Various Incels #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist
(Transcended Trucel)
Blackpill MLP PORN pill (brutal slavpill)
Countries that search for MLP porn more than the worldwide average.
What’s wrong with you niggas
Cultures close to horses and poneys ending up IN the poney
Horse milking has another meaning for Mongols I guess
Probably true
almost only subhuman countries
brutal af :blackpill:
I thought Canada would be #1 since they are animal fuckers.
Yes, we also had our own slavic ponycon hosted in Russia and own russian mlp forum called "tabun". It's actually still up.
For some reason there's just something beautiful for slavic low value men to escape into the fairytale of beautiful and loyal creatures. Even if they're fucking cartoon horses.
It's literally better to fap to ponies than try to talk to foids in Russia. All femoids from CIS region are massive golddigging bitches that start to whore themselves from late preteens.