[Inadvertantly proving every religion ever.]
The existence of millions of believers ought to testify to the actual existence of Jesus Christ. None of the other Messiah claimants acquired such a following. I don't know of one instance of people following someone who didn't exist, do you?
Riiiiiight, because reality is always subject to majority vote.
Actually, if it were, Christianity might well find itself "voted untrue" in favor of Islam, or even Buddhism. It's a good thing reality doesn't follow fads as readily as human interpretation of it does.
~David D.G.
Oy. Aside from the blatant argumentum ad populum, Jesus would lose out to Buddha (or maybe Ganesh) if you went by majority. After all, a billion Chinese (or Indians - not Native Americans, people from India) can't be wrong!
"It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority,
merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is
not, believed by a majority of the people."
-- Giordano Bruno
- christian monk tortured for 7 years, tongue nailed to the roof of his mouth, and then burned
at the stake for suggesting the above as an answer for his writings that god has created an
infinte universe with infinite sun-earth scenarios vs the official church
ummmm. How about the billions who follow islam, and the billions of buddhists etc etc blah blah blah
and no, Egyptian and Greek gods didn’t acquire a billion followers because a) the egyptians and greeks didn’t manage to conquer the whole world and spread their fantasies, and b) well, there just werent a billion people in the world 4,000 years ago
"I don't know of one instance of people following someone who didn't exist, do you?"
Santa Claus
The Easter Bunny
The Tooth Fairy
Peter Pan
Tinker Bell
Hannah Montana
Harry Potter
The Vampire Lestat
Mickey Mouse
Bugs Bunny
But the fact that you follow the religion because others do as your mom and dad did doesn't tell you something?
But you're not alone, many who respond "yes." to a poll asking "are you a Christian?" will also respond "because I was born into it" and "I'm not affiliated with any church"
It suggests most your numbers don't really believe at all but are instead used to calling themselves Christian out of habit. In the Bible Belt it's a defense mechanism to avoid preaching or agression.
> I don't know of one instance of people following someone who didn't exist, do you?
"He *is* the Messiah. And I should know, I've followed a few."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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