And I agree with you, tradition does not require a moratorium on feminism; but God's word does. Disguised under the façade of women's suffrage or "equal rights," feminism has wreaked havoc in society. Wives cannot submit to their husbands, husbands do not love their wives—considering their wives as rivals or competitors rather than his better-half—and churches crumble under the leadership of women. I speak this from experience; painful ones.
Awww, iddums so upset he doesn't have an indentured servant and sex slave! Get over it.
Entire countries crumble under mens' rule, and I could write a novella here listing them, you jackass.
Oh noes! We have to treat women as human! I'm no longer allowed a servant and shackled sex-slave! Boo-fucking-hoo, dude. The only reason "God's perfect Word" exists in the first place is to provide justification to useless, violent, hateful and stupid men that they deserve a harem because they are so fucking awesome for owning a penis.
@Kristine: It was probably his auto-correct program.
Sam's unconscious use of the term 'better-half' is significant, isn't it? Almost as though he believes deep within himself that women are better. They're not, necessarily just different, Sam. That's no reason to want to enslave them, though, and using God as an excuse is just . . . well, sleazy.
Sam's inferiority complex stands out several miles, in every word of this desperately sad justification for his misogyny.
"I speak this from experience; painful ones." Gee, you're wife/wives didn't like being treated like shit and so left you with hefty alimony payments, child support and other bills. Poor you, maybe if you weren't an abusive misogynistic SOB you could find a woman to love you, be your equal and stand by you through thick and thin.
Maybe that's why fundies are against gay marriage, they simply can't wrap their heads around the concept of equality between partners.
Yeah, you speak from the experience of wanting to be a domineering tyrant over your wife, and she didn't put up with it, and now you blame it on feminism.
More fuel to add to my theory that anti-feminism is based almost completely on religious arguments.
So I took some cough medicine earlier because it said it was also a painkiller and I think I'm just too high to understand you.
Well, not high, but I'm kinda dizzy.
I'll come back to this one.
/Wives cannot submit to their husbands, husbands do not love their wivesconsidering their wives as rivals or competitors rather than his better-half/
How do you see your slave as your "better half?" And if your wife is tantamount to a slave, then you have no respect for her. And if you don't respect her, then you don't truly love her. And if men are upset because their wives are as intelligent or more intelligent than them, then they're just a pack of whiny wimps.
/and churches crumble under the leadership of women./
Yes, women shouldn't be in charge; it should all be left up to those fine, upstanding men who like to play with little boys when nobody's looking.
Seriously, get a life.
"The womens aren't obeying the mens, the mens don't likey womens that are means to thems, so the mens and womens, they competes, and then the womens lead the church to ruin. Trust me, I know..."
What a marvel of a story. Misogynist says what?
"Wives cannot submit to their husbands,"
If they're not even alowed tha, then we REALLY feminism. *cough* sorry for the bad joke
"husbands do not love their wives"
Yes, because treating them like little children or pets is such a sign of love...
Seeing as you take your name from a gay hobbit, i see where you're coming from.
((Also, i know sam wasn't gay))
You know, if everybody was happy with the way things were before feminism, nobody would of wanted to change it. I for one welcome equality, there is no reason a woman should be judged any different than a man for any reason.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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