NONSENSE !! It's as plain as the nose on barry's ugly face . He is a dedicated , committed Marxist , the SCOTUS is key in his mind as to how the next 50 years of jurist-prudence will unfold . NO self-respecting , sincere Conservative will allow that Marxist Muslim , our Kenyan Comrade to slip any nominee through the process . It is a simple matter of allowing the voting class to decide . It is helpful to remember that barry himself advocated the Republican mindset regarding SCOTUS appointments under GWBush's administration . Pot ,, meet the Black Progressive kettle !
Meanwhile, no matter how much you piss and moan, the President will appoint a nominee for Congress to vote on. The typical GOPig delay and obstruction will backfire on them when Clinton wins the general election.. Also, the public has zero say in who gets to sit on the SCOTUS. Stop being such a bitter asshole.
The voting class did decide, back in November 2012. They decided to grant Barack Obama the powers to which the President of the United States is entitled, and to do so until January 20, 2017.
They decided. He gets to pick.
The American people did decide. Twice. Do they honestly expect a sitting president to take the final year in office off? If he did, would they not just criticize his lack of action? Face it, in the eyes of the right, Obama cannot have even the appearance of success, despite halving the unemployment rate, doubling the stock market and ending a costly, ill conceived war in Iraq. Mark my words, the democrats have all but locked up the White House for the foreseeable future. It is one place where gerrymandering cannot work.
Token Atheist: Yes, they do expect the sitting President to take the last year off - look at their recent example.
This strategy may backfire on them, however. If Obama nominates a justice, it will have to be someone pretty close to center, to be palatable to the GOP. However, if the GOP implodes during the national election, and control of the Senate swings back (as it very well may), then Hillary or Bernie will nominate someone who is much farther left.
So how much input came from "the voting class" (????) with all the other SCOTUS members? That's not a job that we mark our ballots for, remember? Oh, I forgot, two and a half centuries of tradition went out the window because we got a sort-of-blackish president, so you think it's time for a complete rewrite of the the constitution, right? Hahahahahaha-hee-hee-hee! You guys, such a card!
He is a dedicated , committed Marxist
Name one Marxist policy he's ever had. Hell, for that matter, just explain what Marxism even is.
LOL. I bet you don't even know what jurisprudence means.
It is a simple matter of allowing the voting class to decide .
They did when they voted Obama into office twice. That's the "voting class" saying they trust Obama to nominate a Supreme Court Justice for 8 years.
barry himself advocated the Republican mindset regarding SCOTUS appointments under GWBush's administration .
[citation needed]. Never once did he ever say that he'd refuse to even consider voting on or meet with any potential Supreme Court justice W nominated until a Democrat got voted into office. That's just plain obstructionism by the GOP whose M.O. the past seven years has been "Let's block anything Obama does."
8 years now! 8 years we've been dealing with this shit, and it hasn't changed one goddamn bit. Christ, I'm not even old enough to drink, yet this shit makes me feel old and tired.
Yes, I've always been amused at the dog-whistle racism of typing Obama's middle name in all caps. It's as if they're intent on convincing everyone that he's a secret Muslim enemy of the country, and if people could only notice his middle name they'd see what kind of terrorist he really is. As if there's that one teabagger sitting in Bumblefuck, Alabama who hasn't realized that Obama's middle name is Hussein, and is going to say, "Whut? That's his middle name? That's wonna them there gawldam furriner names! We need to get that SOB out of here!"
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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