I’m all for the labelling on the rifles, just to constantly and consistently remind the Muzzies who their masters are.
"consistently remind the Muzzies who their masters are."
What a nice sentiment. You must be one of the most wonderful, generous people in the world.
The more weapons you have around, available, the higher the risk of someone getting hurt or killed by them. Stupids!
In Sweden you have to be a licensed hunter to have a gun. We have VERY few shootings. Almost all the people who die of gunshots here are "previously known by the police".
EDIT! I just read on a news site on the net that there has been another school shooting, in Alabama. I'm very sorry for the victims and their relatives, but, once again, this is a strong reminder that where there are guns, there are also shootings.
You do know that Muslims revere the Old Testament, right? And that Allah is the same as the Old Testament Yahweh, right? And that if any Muslim reads this rifle label, it will be because the American soldier who was holding it is dead, right?
How many Muslims do you own?
Strange, I though Lincoln (his birthday today?) had abolished slavery.
And didn't the South lose the Civil War?
Two aliens fly over the Earth and see a all the wars going on on our planet.
"Why are they killing each other?" asks one.
The other responds "As far as I can tell they're fighting over whose religion is more peaceful"
"I’m all for the labelling on the rifles, just to constantly and consistently remind the Muzzies who their masters are."
I think you'll find that the likes of the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad et al. don't use M-16s. And Trijicon aren't the only gunsight manufacturers - and not necessarily in the US.
Ignorance, Arrogance and Americentricism. Trifecta! All three should be legislated out of existence.
Oh, and to further piss on your chips, James (& everyone on Free Repubic):
I guess Trijicon know where their true priorities lie, eh? [/smug]
One logical problem with that is that the passages were on the sights of the american rifles. And if the sights were doing their job, you'd have killed the enemy BEFORE they would have a chance to read the passage. If you wanted to do what you suggest, you should manufacture the weapons that the extremists have. Just a point.
Also, you are pretty much advocating the deaths of US soldiers for any of what you said to make sense.
Also, I'm pretty sure there are muslims serving the the US military
Also you are stupid.
And that, you asshole, is the sort of attitude that is going to get our soldiers killed. Y'know, some of those "Muzzies" are supposed to be on our side--we are training them so we can get the hell out of their countries and leave them to kill each other in peace (or whatever it is we are training them to do). But shoving Jesus down their throats--and calling them insulting names into the bargain--will just remind them how much more satisfying it would be to kill the arrogant, obnoxious invaders instead.
Sure, and reminding you that Christianity works, how?, and which "masters" are supplying you with petrol?
It's not a holy war!
It's not a crusade!
It's only Islam that is violent and hateful, and only Islam wants to subdue the whole world under its doctrine!
Christians would never do anything of that, because they have the absolute good on their side, and all christians are meek and peaceful!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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