Various commenters #wingnut #conspiracy

Here’s your reminder on 9/11 to Never Forget:

• The missing 3 trillion dollars the government “lost” the day before.
• The Israelis they caught with a van full of explosives that were on a rooftop filming BEFORE the first plane hit and had access to the buildings all month thanks to Mossad shell companies.
• Why building 7 fell down demolition style despite never being hit and two buildings away from the towers.
• Why the only footage from the Pentagon looks like a missile hit it.
• Why firemen heard large explosions going off at the base of building 1.
• How one of the terrorist’s passports was “found” in near perfect condition on the ground.
• Or how all the big honchos including the head of security for the entire WTC didn’t go to work that day.

I know I’m not supposed “to be saying this as a candidate” but you know what? I really do hope the media tries to slam me as a ”conspiracy theorist” for this one…at least it would force all these unanswered questions back into people’s minds. If our government has no problem creating illegal viruses, pushing toxic vaccines, denying us life saving medicine, and covering up mass shootings they always seem to have a hand in like Las Vegas…then they have no problem killing 3,000 of us for oil, war profits, and hiding the 3 trillion dollars they stole.


2-1/2 years ago I would have happily gone to blows with anyone that tried to desecrate the memory of 9/11. But with everything I’ve witnessed since March of 2020, my entire paradigm has shifted and I now question much of what I once believed. The only thing I don’t question is the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

@AmericanAFMindy 9/11 was a bank robbery

What does 9/11 has in common with COVID-19, Jan 6 and mass shootings?

ƃɐlɟ ǝslɐℲ

@AmericanAFMindy I think the biggest question that needs to be answered is what happened to the planes and passengers? Were they just nonexistent planes and invented passengers? What about the families?

Also one other piece that doesn’t fit is the supposed in flight calls to family members using cell phones which wouldnt have been able to make calls due to speed and altitude.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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