”Bible is too old to not be true”
My grandfather is really old, too, and he’s pretty much full of shit. Age does not automatically grant veracity. The legends of the Babylonians are as old or older than the Bible, so by that logic, they must be more true.
”Back when the Bible was written, people had a good, healthy fear of God.”
I’m not surprised. I, too, would be frightened of a God who bestows plagues, drops meteorites on people’s heads, advocates mass slayings of his own peoples, and generally acts like a sociopath.
Oh, and by the way, “fear” is not a “healthy” state to be in.
”They were terrified of the consequences of sin, which of course includes lying.”
Which is, of course, why they refused to worship the golden calf, followed God’s orders concerning the indigenous peoples of Cannan, decided not to build the Tower of Babel, stoically refused to complain while wandering in the desert for 40 years, declined to sell their own relatives into slavery over wardrobe jealousy, honestly presented themselves to their half-blind fathers for inheritance verification by arm-hair checking, and gallantly looked away when they saw Bathsheeba bathing in the river. Oh, wait. Nevermind.
Even a half-hearted scholarly survey of the Bible shows that even when God himself had a habit of showing up personally to kick some ass, the people still sinned like Paris Hilton with a snoot-full of cocaine and a Visa gold card.
”The educated were keenly aware of proper behaviour, and would not have written a book and passed it off as truth if it wasn't.”
Then how do you explain the more than six dozen “false” and “blasphemous” gospels, epistles, and histories rejected by the early church fathers as heresy?
”This, of course, is the case with the men who penned God's word into man's greatest history book -- The Bible. To think they would have included lies is preposterous.”
Then why don’t the dates match up in the Chronicles/Kings comparisons? Why does it claim that Pi is three? And most importantly, why is there more than one version of the Bible and if one is correct, which is it? And don’t say the King James version, because that translation, although beautiful in its language, was created mainly for political reasons by the same people who brought us that best seller, ”The Malleus Malificorum.” (“A paige turner! I couldde notte put thif booke downe! A muft read!” -Torquemada.)
”In fact, the further one goes back in history, the less sin that occured (per capita)
You sure about that? Because in the Garden of Eden, the “per capita” sin was an astonishing 100%! The Tower of Babel incident was pretty much 100%, too. The flood was really close to 100%, as well
and thus the fewer lies that were told (oral AND written). This is why older books tend to be more accurate than newer ones."
Ok, I have to be honest here. That has got to be the single stupidest thing I have ever heard anyone say about literature. Are you sure you can even read?