I find it amazing that everyone who is pro-choice...ironically has *already* been born and not aborted...
<<< ironically >>>
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
There's nothing amazing about it. If you were aborted, you wouldn't be able to think things through to decide one way or the other.
Moreover, pro-choice does not equal "everyone should be aborted". It doesn't even equal "abortion is a good thing".
Well, the pollsters keep trying to include the opinions of first-trimester embryos, but all they'll respond with is a solid "No Comment." So they must not really care one way or the other.
~David D.G.
Yes, I can't recall which Irish comedian ripped 'Ironic' for not being ironic...
"It's a traffic jam when you're already late!"
*disdainful look - hand on hip*
Noooooooo! That's a pain in the hole!
*idea* Now if you were a traffic planner...
On your way to a meeting on traffic planning to tell them when a great job you'd done about traffic flow in the city...
How does Gwenyfur know that? She believes in souls and all that bullshit, right? So, concievably, there could be large groups of aborted fetuses in heaven cheering all the abortion doctors on. And maybe coming down to Earth to visit pregnant women and yell "Abort it!"? Hell, maybe that's why abortions happen in the first place.
Makes as much sense as anything the fundies ever come up with.
Not being able to communicate your interests should not deprive you of rights! That being said, a first-trimester fetus has no interests, communicable or otherwise, and therefore no rights. (I think the same applies for a second-trimester fetus, but not for a third-trimester one; my science is a little fuzzy.) In any case, a very late-term fetus shouldn't be aborted, except to protect the fetus or mother from health or economic concerns. Not that there are many abortions IN this period, though. (Note: Non-fundie opinions are subject to change in the face of new evidence or arguments.)
I, a pro-choicer, was aborted and have, in all honesty, been dead for at least twenty years.
She probably thinks this little nugget is the height of philosophical brilliance.
@David DG:
"Well, the pollsters keep trying to include the opinions of first-trimester embryos, but all they'll respond with is a solid "No Comment." So they must not really care one way or the other."
I just fell off my chair. Good one :-)
Everyone who is pro-life is also born and not aborted. This is a part of being human, and having human opinions - we are all born.
I find it ironic that so many pro-lifers are pro-death penalty and pro-war.
I can't recall which Irish comedian ripped 'Ironic' for not being ironic...
That would be Ed Byrne:
"The only ironic thing about that song is it's called 'Ironic' and it's written by a woman who doesn't know what irony is. That's quite ironic."
Love it!
you didn't even come up with this by yourself, did you? R. Reagan said something like this first and it sounded just as stupid when he said it. Also, look up irony in the dictionary and quit trying to push your beliefs about abortion on others.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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