You wanted to be a lady preacher??? Have you read the Bible. Women are NOT suppose to be preachers.
Women are suppose to keep their mouth shut in the church. A woman is only suppose to teach other women and children. The men are suppose to be the leaders in the church. God said it not me.
Umn... no, Paul said it.
Paul is not Jesus.
Oh, we missed you.
Well, then that makes God a misogynistic douche, not you.
I wasn't sure for a second there, thanks for the clarification.
@Osiris: We have one of those?
Actually Paul said it in a letter, it wasn't intended to be taken literally, it was about a problem within the church of Corinth.
Look at Miriam, Deborah, Esther, Mary, Elizabeth,they weren't silent, the woman with the oil, the woman at the way, who Jesus didn't condemn though he saw her life. The woman that touched his garment and was healed, she was supposed to stay away and be quiet but Jesus welcomed her instead and the way Jesus appeared to women first when he rose form the dead, women wouldn't have been believed but they weren't the ones hiding they were strong and dedicated to his care.. There are prophetess's in the New Testement too.
You know, when shit like this is in the book you think it would be an argument against the bible, not for the offense.
Moreover, stfu Paul.
why would you even want to be a preacher in a church that treats women clearly like second class citizens!
If you want to babble in front of a congregation, become a high priestess in a wiccan coven! *sigh*
I love the 'God said it not me'. It's like the fundie equivalent of 'I don't want to offend you, but...'
I have to use it in conversation from now on. "You're a boring, butt-ugly mentally-deficient cuntnugget. God said it, not me."
Actually, if you finish that verse, you will see that that was Paul talking, to witch god responded with a nice smack. See a church led by a woman opened and became more successful than Paul's. So God disagrees with you.
Also according to the Bible...
- Children who talk back to their parents are suppose to be beaten to death with rocks.
- People who gather wood on the Sabbath are also suppose to be beaten to death with rocks.
- Children who make fun of bald men have also commited a sin worthy of death (by being eaten by bears, apparently).
- Oh and women who are raped must marry their rapist.
Why do people call this thing 'the good book' again?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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