What do you think of biblical archeology? You know, where many, many times the "higher" critics have claimed a city mentioned in the bible didn't exist until archeology proved them wrong? Then you hear nothing else from them. That's the way many people are going to be when the Lord returns. Silenced once and for all.
Ummm... archeology works like "This bit of text mentions a city that isn't around nowadays, let's go find it." That's why they FIND them in the first place. Otherwise they'd STILL not have been found.
Usually found in different places or built differently than the texts describe, I should mention.
There are many settlements in the Middle East that may well be ones mentioned in the Bible, and vice versa. But we have no way of connecting the settlement with the name used in the Bible, either because the Bible doesn't provide enough detail to identify them, or because the Bible provides conflicting or incorrect information. Ancient notions of history and dates tended to be pretty sloppy by modern standards. Even when a match is proposed, there are usually dissenting opinions about it.
Archaeologists don't say the cities didn't exist. They just say they haven't be found.
And then there are all the cases in which the Bible has been found historically unreliable, such as in claiming a mass inmigration from Egypt, when the well-known cultural context of Canaan from that period shows no such event.
Then there's all the little things, such as the imaginary world census of 1 B.C. (wrong dates, wrong scope and wrong instigator), and the misidentifcation of Pilate as a procurator rather than a prefect.
So take your own smug advice: be silent, once and for all.
That's the way many people are going to be when the Lord returns. Silenced once and for all.
Assuming for a moment that Jesus is actually going to return, I will be the furthest thing from silent I can manage to be. Jesus owes all of us some serious, in-depth answers for all the bulls*** we here on Earth have had to put up with. I know you fundies believe that we'll all be in the position of justifying ourselves to Christ. As far as I'm concerned Christ needs to justify Himself to me .
Actually, archaeology has pretty much disproved the bible by uncovering ancient societies societies and myths WAY older than yours.
I, once again, cite The Epic of Gilgamesh. Man created from dirt, paradise garden, global flood, magic fruit, evil snakes, etc, etc. It's all there and it's many, MANY hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years older than your bible.
You know, where many, many times the "higher" critics have claimed a city mentioned in the bible didn't exist until archeology proved them wrong?
That's called rationalism; it is the foundation of all scientific thought, and is a lot more sensible to believe nothing until proven than it is to believe everything until disproven, which a) is impossible, since you can't prove a negative, b) is consistent with clinical insanity, since it allows for the simultaneous belief of contradictictory assertions until one is disproven and c) is liable to leave you looking very silly.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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